[env-trinity] [Fwd: [Directors] Fwd: Action: Support Endangered Species Day!]

Warren Carlson wjcarl1 at charter.net
Mon Nov 14 11:29:54 PST 2005

Folks, Please pass this on to your groups... Warren Carlson

Everyone, here is a chance to acknowledge the importance of the 
Endangered Species Act, and to let the Senate know if you support the 
results and intent of the Act.  Senator Feinstein is sponsoring the 
Endangered Species Day Resolution, (senate resolution 219), and if you 
are in support of have a day to recognize the ESA, please call Senators 
Boxer and Feinstein to voice your support.  You can also e-mail to:  
senatorboxer at boxer.senate.gov <mailto:senatorboxer at boxer.senate.gov>, 
senatorfeinstein at feinstein.senate.gov 
<mailto:senatorfeinstein at feinstein.senate.gov>
This resolution is a simple one, and is only proposed to have public 
recognition for a law which is supported by over 80% of Americans.  This 
is much like "Earth Day", in that is an opportunity to recognize and 
reflect upon our wonderful environment, and the joy it provides on a 
daily basis.  Without the multitude of species, it would be a lonely 
place to live.
Dr. C. Mark Rockwell, D.C.
V.P. Conservation, Northern California Council,
Federation of Fly Fishers
19737 Wildwood West Dr.
Penn Valley, Ca. 95946
530 432-9198
vpconservation at nccfff.or
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From: "Endangered Species Coalition" <esc at stopextinction.org>
Subject: Action: Support Endangered Species Day!
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 10:29:40 -0800
Size: 11500
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