[env-trinity] UC Davis Watershed Assessment Manual

Byron bwl3 at comcast.net
Mon Sep 26 15:14:58 PDT 2005

Friends and Colleagues


The California Watershed Assessment Manual (CWAM) Team is pleased to make
available hard-copies of the final manual. Volume I of the Manual was
finalized earlier this year and is available online, on CD, and now in
hard-copy. If you would like the printed CWAM-Vol. I, please reply to this
email with your name and address and we will send you one. For those of you
who wear several hats, you may receive this email more than once (e.g., from
a list-serve) and for that I apologize. For those of you who are planning an
assessment or beginning to conduct one, we especially want to hear from you
and potentially help you in your work. Please forward this message to others
interested in conducting a watershed assessment.


Fraser Shilling

Department of Environmental Science and Policy University of 

California, Davis 95616


http://cwam.ucdavis.edu <http://cwam.ucdavis.edu/> 


p.s.  We will have Volume II ready next year, so check back in. 


Byron Leydecker, 

Chair, Friends of Trinity River

Consultant, California Trout, Inc.

PO Box 2327

Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327

415 383 4810 ph

415 383 9562 fx

bwl3 at comcast.net

bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org (secondary)





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