[env-trinity] Fwd: Trinity River Release Change

Andreas Krause AKRAUSE at mp.usbr.gov
Mon Aug 22 10:45:09 PDT 2005

Project: Lewiston Dam - Trinity River Release
  Date        Time         From         To
8/28/05      1400          450         550
8/28/05      1600          550         650
8/28/05      1800          650         900
8/28/05      2000          900      1,150
8/28/05      2200       1,150      1,400
8/28/05      2400       1,400      1,650
8/30/05      0001       1,650      1,450
8/30/05      0400       1,450      1,250
8/30/05      0800       1,250      1,050
8/30/05      1200       1,050        850
8/30/05      1600         850         650
8/30/05      2000         650         500
8/30/05      2400         500         450
Comment:  Ceremonial use
Issued By: Central Valley Operations

Andreas Krause, P.E.
Physical Scientist
Trinity River Restoration Program
P.O. Box 1300 (mailing address)
1313 South Main St. (physical address)
Weaverville, CA 96093
Phone: 530-623-1807; Fax: 530-623-5944

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