[env-trinity] CVP Water Allocation Increases for Contractors South of the Delta

tstokely at trinityalps.net tstokely at trinityalps.net
Wed Jul 27 14:31:04 PDT 2005


Mid Pacific Region
Sacramento, Calif. 

Media Contact:Jeffrey S. McCracken

Released On: July 25, 2005
CVP Water Allocation Increases for Contractors South of the Delta 

The Bureau of Reclamation announces that the Central Valley Project water
allocation for agricultural contractors South of the Delta has been
increased from 85 percent to 90 percent. The increased allocation is the
result of wet conditions and lower-than-normal demands this spring,
significantly higher-than-normal reservoir storage at San Luis Reservoir,
and continued high flows in the San Joaquin River. The increase to 90
percent now matches the State of California's current allocation forecast
for the State Water Project. 

The allocation increase will help reduce ground-water pumping in the San
Joaquin Valley, resulting in reduced power demands this summer. The
increase will not significantly increase Delta pumping over the irrigation
season, nor will it reduce the likelihood of refilling San Luis Reservoir
in the coming water year. 

Reclamation conferred with the fishery agencies, as required by our various
biological opinions, prior to authorizing the allocation increase. The
status of the Delta smelt population has been of concern this water year.
Fortunately, high outflows this spring have moved the smelt well away from
the pumping facilities in the south Delta, and this increase is not
considered a risk to the smelt. 

Throughout the year, updated information will be provided as conditions
warrant. For additional information on the Water Year 2005 water supply,
please contact the Public Affairs Office at 916-978-5100, TDD 916-978-5608.
Additional information will continue to be posted on the Mid-Pacific
Region's Web site at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/cvo/. 

# # #
Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest
producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and
facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide
substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits.

Relevant Links:

CVP Water Allocation Increases for Contractors South of the Delta


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