[env-trinity] Daily Release Schedule from Lewiston Dam to the Trinity River

Andreas Krause AKRAUSE at mp.usbr.gov
Mon Apr 25 08:42:37 PDT 2005

Daily Release Schedule from Lewiston Dam to the Trinity
 From Date 	 To Date               # of Days	 Flow (cfs) 
Volume (Acre-Feet) 
1-Oct-04   	15-Oct-04	15	 450 	 13,388 
16-Oct-04	21-Apr-05	188	 300 	 111,868 
22-Apr-05	28-Apr-05	7	 500 	 6,942 
29-Apr-05	29-Apr-05	1	 2,000 	 3,967 
30-Apr-05	5-May-05 	6	 2,500 	 29,752 
6-May-05 	7-May-05 	2	 4,500 	 17,851 
8-May-05 	9-May-05 	2	 6,000 	 23,802 
10-May-05	13-May-05	4	 7,000 	 55,537 
14-May-05	15-May-05	2	 6,000 	 23,802 
16-May-05	16-May-05	1	 5,600 	 11,107 
17-May-05	17-May-05	1	 5,200 	 10,314 
18-May-05	18-May-05	1	 4,800 	 9,521 
19-May-05	20-May-05	2	 4,500 	 17,851 
21-May-05	21-May-05	1	 4,200 	 8,331 
22-May-05	22-May-05	1	 3,900 	 7,736 
23-May-05	23-May-05	1	 3,600 	 7,140 
24-May-05	24-May-05	1	 3,300 	 6,545 
25-May-05	25-May-05	1	 3,000 	 5,950 
26-May-05	27-May-05	2	 2,800 	 11,107 
28-May-05	29-May-05	2	 2,600 	 10,314 
30-May-05	30-May-05	1	 2,500 	 4,959 
31-May-05	1-Jun-05  	2	 2,400 	 9,521 
2-Jun-05  	3-Jun-05  	2	 2,300 	 9,124 
4-Jun-05  	5-Jun-05  	2	 2,200 	 8,727 
6-Jun-05  	7-Jun-05  	2	 2,100 	 8,331 
8-Jun-05  	9-Jul-05   	32	 2,000 	 126,942 
10-Jul-05  	10-Jul-05 	1	 1,700 	 3,372 
11-Jul-05 	11-Jul-05 	1	 1,500 	 2,975 
12-Jul-05 	12-Jul-05 	1	 1,350 	 2,678 
13-Jul-05 	13-Jul-05 	1	 1,200 	 2,380 
14-Jul-05 	14-Jul-05 	1	 1,050 	 2,083 
15-Jul-05 	15-Jul-05 	1	 950 	 1,884 
16-Jul-05 	16-Jul-05 	1	 850 	 1,686 
17-Jul-05 	17-Jul-05 	1	 750 	 1,488 
18-Jul-05 	18-Jul-05 	1	 675 	 1,339 
19-Jul-05 	19-Jul-05 	1	 600 	 1,190 
20-Jul-05 	20-Jul-05 	1	 550 	 1,091 
21-Jul-05 	21-Jul-05 	1	 500 	 992 
22-Jul-05 	30-Sep-05	71	 450 	 63,372 
		 Total Annual Water Volume = 	 646,959
Office of the Secretary


Media Contact:	Jeffrey McCracken - Bureau of Reclamation	     Al
Donner - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
		916-978-5100 jmccracken at mp.usbr.gov 	    
916-414-6566 al_donner at fws.gov 

Interior Releases 2005 Trinity River Record of Decision Flow Schedule

The 2005 Trinity River flow schedule has been finalized by the
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service following
a recommendation made by the Trinity Management Council (TMC) to achieve
a wide variety of physical and biological objectives.

Reclamation recently determined this to be a normal water year in the
Trinity basin.  Under the 2000 Record of Decision (ROD) for this water
year type, a total volume of 647,000 acre-feet will be released from
Trinity Reservoir down the Trinity River.

The TMC recommendation includes a 4-day, 7,000 cubic feet per second
(cfs) peak flow.  This is a minor adjustment of the standard ROD
schedule for a normal water year, which calls for a 5-day, 6,000 cfs
peak consistent with the adaptive environmental assessment provisions of
the ROD.  This higher peak will allow for more accurate model
calibrations that will improve the Program's capabilities for future
analysis and management recommendations.

This schedule benefits juvenile salmon and steelhead growth and
survival in late spring and early summer.  The peak flows will flush
significant accumulations of fine sediment, move and redeposit gravel,
and scour riparian vegetation that has grown along the channel's edge.
 All of these actions will improve fishery habitat conditions throughout
the river consistent with the Program's objectives.  

Under the newly approved flow schedule, current releases from Lewiston
Dam to the Trinity River will continue at 300 cfs through Friday, April
22, ramp up to 2,500 cfs by Saturday, April 30 and then continue up to
7,000 cfs by Tuesday, May 10.  The schedule calls for these releases to
continue at 7,000 cfs from May 10 through Friday, May 13, gradually
ramping down to 2,000 cfs by Wednesday, June 8 and finally reaching the
summer base level of 450 cfs by Friday, July 22.

Downstream rafters, fishermen, and others using the river need to
exercise extreme caution during times of high releases.  These volumes
of cold and fast water can be dangerous.

The new flow release schedule is available online at Reclamation's
Central Valley Operations website at www.usbr.gov/mp/cvo .


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