[env-trinity] TMC Votes Down Fall Flows

Doug Schleusner DSCHLEUSNER at mp.usbr.gov
Mon Apr 18 08:34:33 PDT 2005

Good morning, Byron and others,

While the substance of what you reported last Thursday afternoon is
correct, there are several differences in the text of your message.  The
actual motion approved by the TMC that will be included in the minutes
(as recorded by Rod Wittler on the projector for real-time edits) is as

Moved (California Resources Agency): In response to letters from the
Bureau of Reclamation and Fish and Wildlife Service, dated April 11 and
April 13, 2005, based upon present knowledge and data available on 14
April 2005, the TMC does not recommend a fall, 2005, pulse flow.

Diverting ROD flows from their planned purposes in order to provide
water for a fall pulse flow will result in not fully meeting ROD
objectives. Therefore, the TMC does not support use of ROD water for
fall, 2005, flow releases.

<Flow Schedule – Option 4 (no-delay)> The purpose of increasing the
peak flow to 7,000 ft3/s in WY2005 is to accelerate implementation of
the ROD by facilitating floodway clearing, specifically realty actions.

Due to conditions that may develop over the next several months, or in
any given year, the TMC recommends that scientists from the Klamath and
Trinity coordinate the establishment, monitoring, and assessment of
criteria for determining the onset of die-off conditions in the Klamath
River. The TMC will convene and recommend emergency actions should those
conditions develop. In the meantime the TMC believes it prudent for
Reclamation to explore the potential for acquiring ‘outside sources’
of water, i.e. supplemental to the ROD volume, in the case the need

Seconded by (NOAA Fisheries)

Carried 7:1 (Trinity County because of lack of a delay for the opening
of fly-fishing season)

Thank you,


Douglas P. Schleusner, Executive Director
Trinity River Restoration Program
P.O. Box 1300, 1313 South Main St.
Weaverville, CA  96093
(530) 623-1800  Fax: (530) 623-5944
e-mail: dschleusner at mp.usbr.gov

>>> "Byron " <bwl3 at comcast.net> 4/14/2005 6:45:26 PM >>>
Trinity Management Council action today on fall flows.  The vote was
against fall flows.


Recommendation: In response to letters from the Bureau of Reclamation
Fish and Wildlife Service, dated April 11 and April 13, 2005, based
present knowledge and data available on 14 April 2005, the TMC does
recommend a fall, 2005, pulse flow.


Diverting ROD flows from their planned purposes in order to provide
for a fall pulse flow will result in not fully meeting ROD objectives.
Therefore, the TMC does not support use of ROD water for fall, 2005,


Flow Schedule - Option 4 (no-delay for start of fishing season) The
of increasing the peak flow to 7,000 cfs in water year 2005 is to
implementation of the ROD by facilitating floodway clearing actions.


If conditions develop over the next several months, or in any given
the TMC recommends that scientists from the Klamath and Trinity
the establishment, monitoring, and assessment of criteria for
the onset of fish die-off conditions in the Klamath River. The TMC
convene and recommend emergency actions should those conditions
develop.  In
the meantime the TMC believes it prudent for Reclamation to explore
potential for acquiring 'outside sources' of water, i.e. supplemental
to the
ROD specified volumes, should the need arise.


Seven votes for the recommendation and 1 against.  Trinity County voted
on the grounds that a three-day delay should be implemented for
season, but agreed with all other elements of the recommendation. 



Byron Leydecker, 

Chair, Friends of Trinity River

Consultant, California Trout, Inc.

PO Box 2327

Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327

415 383 4810 ph

415 383 9562 fx

bwl3 at comcast.net 

bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org (secondary)





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