[env-trinity] TAMWG meeting April 12

Arnold Whitridge awhitridge at snowcrest.net
Tue Apr 5 17:08:58 PDT 2005

Here's the draft agenda for the April 12 meeting of the Trinity Adaptive 
Management Working Group.

Arnold Whitridge,  TAMWG chair
530 623-6688

Draft Agenda
Veterans Memorial Hall, Weaverville, CA
April 12-13, 2005

         Time           Topic - 
Purpose                                            Discussion Leader

Tuesday, April 12

1.      12.30   Introductions; Adopt agenda; Approve September 

2.      12:45   Open Forum; Public Comment

3.  1:00        Flow schedule for 2005          Rod Wittler

4.       2:00        Floodplain preparations for 8,500 and 11,000 cfs 
releases  Ed Solbos

5.       3:00   FY2006 Budget process and priorities            Doug 

6.       4:00   Executive Director's Report             Doug 
7.       4:30   Designated Federal Official's Report            Mike Long

8.   4:45       Open Forum; Public Comment

9.   4:55       Date and agenda topics for next meeting

          5:00   Adjourn

Wednesday, April 13 (if needed)

10.   8:30      New member orientation; TAMWG operations; election of officers

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