[env-trinity] San Jose Mercury News February 11
bwl3 at comcast.net
Fri Feb 11 12:40:14 PST 2005
Fish and Game commissioner withdrawn
San Jose Mercury News - 2/11/05
By Paul Rogers, staff writer
In a move that could tip California's powerful state Fish and Game
Commission more toward environmentalists' interests, Gov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger withdrew his nomination Thursday of commission member Marilyn
Schwarzenegger appointed Hendrickson, 66, a Vacaville Republican and
co-owner of Sep's Pro Fishing, a tackle supply business, in March. But she
had not been confirmed by the Senate.
She drew opposition from environmentalists during the past year for votes
opposing endangered protections for coho salmon, the tri-colored blackbird
and the tiger salamander. She voted no last week on a proposal to ban lead
Senate Democrats, led by Oakland's Don Perata, refused to hold confirmation
hearings for her.
``This just shows you what environmentalists can do when they are running
rampant,'' said her husband, Joe ``Sep'' Hendrickson.
Environmentalists celebrated. ``Her record was consistently against
conservation,'' said Ann Notthoff, a lobbyist for the Natural Resources
Defense Council.
Byron Leydecker,
Chair, Friends of Trinity River
Consultant, Californiua Trout, Inc.
PO Box 2327
Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327
415 383 4810 ph
415 383 9562 fx
415 519 4810 ce
bwl3 at comcast.net
bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org (secondary)
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