[env-trinity] Trinity Management Council Meeting Dec 9 and 10 in Redding
Tom Stokely
tstokely at trinityalps.net
Mon Dec 6 15:28:25 PST 2004
Draft Agenda
Turtle Bay Museum, Redding, CA
December 9-10, 2004
Thursday, December 9, 2004
Time Topic and Purpose Discussion Leader
Regular Business:
8:30 Introduction: Validate agenda items; Approve TMC Mike Ryan, Chair
Minutes for 6/30/04, 7/27/04, 8/2/04, 8/20/04, 9/30/04
9:00 Open Forum: Comments from the public Mike Ryan
9:15 Report from TMC Chair: Mike Ryan
9:30 Report from TAMWG Chair: Arnold Whitridge
9:45 Report from Executive Director: Project updates; Doug Schleusner
Staffing; Q&A
Action Item:
10:00 Ways to Improve TMC - TAMWG Interactions Mike Ryan
(Identify tasks, make assignments) Arnold Whitridge
10:30 Break
Action Item:
10:45 Integrated Critical Path (RIG/TMAG) for Ed Solbos, RIG
April 2005 Releases (8500 cfs) Rod Wittler, TMAG
(Status report; validate/modify objectives; time schedule)
Action Item:
11:45 Channel Rehab Site Revegetation Design Robert Sullivan, TMAG
Philosophy Using Hocker Flat as an Example
(Validate/modify objectives; costs)
12:30 Lunch
Information Item:
1:30 Update on Klamath Water Operations and Dave Sabo, BOR
Conservation Implementation Plan (CIP) Christine Karas, BOR
(Possible action based on presentation/discussion)
2:30 Break
Action Item:
2:45 NEPA/CEQA and Permit Compliance Strategy Ed Solbos
(Status report; validate/modify proposed process) Tom Stokely, County
4:00 Adjourn for the day Mike Ryan
- over -
Friday, December 10, 2004
Time Topic and Purpose Discussion Leader
Information Item:
8:30 Fall Update on Fish Returns, Hatchery Neil Manji, DFG
Information Item:
8:45 Summary of Science Framework Rod Wittler
Workshop 1 and Next Steps
(Possible action based on presentation/discussion)
Information Item:
9:30 Spring Chinook Egg Viability Thermal Study Keith Marine, NSR
Information Item:
10:15 Draft Strategic Plan Update Doug Schleusner
(Status; possible action based on presentation/discussion)
10:30 Break
Information Item:
10:45 Canyon Creek Gold Mining EIS: Status and Joyce Andersen, USFS
Ways to Participate in the Process
(Possible action based on presentation/discussion)
11:45 Lunch
Action Item:
1:00 Coastal Salmon Recovery Program: Grant Neil Manji,
Process and Strategy for New Proposals Doug Schleusner
(Identify tasks, make assignments)
Regular Business:
2:00 Open Forum: Comments from the public Mike Ryan
2:15 Calendars: Confirm next meeting date and location Mike Ryan
(Tentatively March __ at Weaverville)
2:30 Adjourn Mike Ryan
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