[env-trinity] CalFed

Byron bwl3 at comcast.net
Wed Oct 6 15:24:22 PDT 2004

This is from a very informed source:


"This afternoon, the House passed the Senate version of the CALFED bill on a
voice vote.  There were no amendments.  There was no recorded vote.  Miller
made a floor statement.  I'll send it around when I get it.  Many of you
signed on to a letter just before the Senate acted on this bill.  That
letter helped to blunt a couple of the problems in the bill.  Thanks for
your help.


"H.R. 2828 remains a deeply flawed bill.  First, it has provisions that are
likely to interfere with ecosystem restoration efforts.  It redirects funds
from the CVPIA Restoration Fund to the EWA, where these funds will be used
to purchase water for water users.  It also creates reporting requirements
that apply only to federal land purchases for ecosystem restoration that are
likely to interfere with restoration activities.  Second, the bill fails to
address the "Napa" problem -- the fact that federal agencies are now
bypassing CALFED through back room deals.  OCAP is the latest example of
this trend, which is turning the CALFED public involvement efforts into a


>From my point of view, CalFed, and this bill have become counter to
everything we try to accomplish for fish in this state.  Incidentally, the
water purchases are made mostly by buying it from the Bureau at highly
subsidized prices and selling it back at market prices (or the reverse it
water goes to irrigators).  It has made the Kern County Water Agency (or
whatever it's named) for example, wealthy beyond its wildest dreams.


Byron Leydecker

Chair, Friends of Trinity River

Consultant, California Trout, Inc.

PO Box 2327

Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327

415 383 4810 ph

415 519 4810 ce

415 383 9562 fx

bwl3 at comcast.net

 <mailto:bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org> bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org




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