[env-trinity] Klamath Task Force - October 13-14, 2004, Yreka
Tom Stokely
tstokely at trinityalps.net
Mon Sep 20 11:27:48 PDT 2004
Dear Klamath Task Force Interested Parties:
The next meeting of the Klamath Task Force is October 13-14, 2004, in
Yreka, California, located at the Yreka Community Center at the northern
extreme of North Oregon Street in Yreka, just past Yreka High School.
Please see the attached Draft Agenda below. If you have questions, please
contact Laurie Simons at laurie_simons at fws.gov, or me.
(See attached file: October 04 Draft Agenda.doc)
Thank you,
Darla N. Eastman
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Contracting/Administration Supervisor
1829 South Oregon Street
Yreka, California 96097
Tel: (530) 842-5763/Fax: (530) 842-4517
Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task Force
October 13-14, 2004
Yreka Community Center
Yreka, California
October 13, 2004
9:00 AM 1. Convene and opening remarks. John Engbring, Chair, and Allen Foreman, Vice Chair. Vice Chair for next meeting is Irma Lagomarsino.
9:15 2. Introductions of Congressional staff in attendance
9:30 3. Business
a. Adoption of agenda
b. Approval of minutes
c. Budget Committee meeting is November 17, 2004, 10:00 am, Yreka Fish and Wildlife Office
9:45 4. Brief review of last meeting actions/general correspondence/program update
(Laurie Simons)
10:00 5. Brief Updates and Announcements
a. Update on State coho recovery process (Neil Manji)
b. Update on NRCS Farm Bill (Bill Gardiner)
c. Update on NOAA recovery planning process (Irma Lagomarsino)
d. Update on Klamath Fishery Management Council (Phil Detrich)
e. Status of Klamath River anadromous fisheries (Neil Manji)
f. Status of Accomplishments Report (Petey Brucker, Laurie Simons)
10:30 6. Status of Klamath Project continuing operations and Conservation Implementation Program (Dave Sabo, Bureau of Reclamation)
11:15 7. Report from Klamath Watershed Coordination Group (Dave Hillemeier)
Klamath Basin Compact Commission (Alice Kilham)
Trinity Management Council (Mike Orcutt)
Upper Klamath Basin Working Group (Jim Carpenter)
11:40 8. Public Comment
12:00 Lunch
1:15 9. Report from Technical Work Group (Petey Brucker)
2:00 10. Groundwater hydrology in the Upper Klamath River Basin (Kenneth Lite, Oregon Department of Water Resources)
3:00 11. Presentation of Nathaniel S. Bingham Memorial Awards and Task Force Appreciation Award (John Engbring)
3:15 Break
3:30 12. The Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program (Mark Lancaster, Trinity County)
3:45 13. Reconfiguring diversion structures to provide fish passage in the Scott River Watershed (Gary Black and Rhonda Muse, Scott River Watershed Council)
4:15 14. Public Comment
4:30 Recess
5:00 - 6:30 PM Field Trip to visit project sites in the Scott River Watershed with Gary Black and Rhonda Muse. Please form car pools and meet at the designated place in the Scott Valley by 5 pm.
7:00 - 9:00 PM Social Hour at Casa Ramos in Yreka. Have drinks and/or dinner with us.
Reconvene - October 14, 2004
8:00 15. An Economic analysis of recreation benefits in the Klamath River Basin (Aaron Douglas, U. S. Geological Survey, Fort Collins, Colorado)
9:15 16. Presentation from the Klamath Basin Fish Health Assessment Team on the status of anadromous fish health (California Regional Water Quality Control Board)
10:00 17. Public Comment
10:20 Break
10:40 18. Klamath River Flow Study Update (Tom Shaw, Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office)
11:30 19. Trinity River Restoration Program desired condition and flows and their benefits to Klamath Basin anadromous fish (Doug Schleusner, Trinity Restoration Program)
12:00 20. Government Accountability Office audit of the Klamath River Basin Conservation Area Restoration Program (John Engbring)
12:30 21. Discussion on priorities for funding in 2006
1:00 22. Public Comment
1:20 23. Recap and Summary of Assignments and Motions (John Engbring)
Next meetings are: February 9-10, 2005 in Crescent City; June 15-16, 2005 in Yreka; and October 19-20, 2005 in Klamath Falls.
1:30 PM Adjourn
After meeting excursion: Please sign up by 1:15 with Laurie or Darla if you plan to go.
3:00 - 5:00 Salmon are running to Iron Gate Hatchery and the adjacent Bogus Creek. Come see them in the hatchery and with videography in the creek and hear about how they are handled with Mark Hampton of the California Department of Fish and Game.
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