[env-trinity] Availability of Draft EA/EIR for Hocker Flat Rehabilitation Project

Brandt Gutermuth BGUTERMUTH at mp.usbr.gov
Mon Aug 23 17:57:15 PDT 2004

The Bureau of Reclamation, the Federal lead agency, and the Department
of Water Resources (DWR), the State lead agency, announce availability
of an Environmental Assessment/Draft Environmental Impact Report
(EA/DEIR) for the "Hocker Flat Rehabilitation Site: Trinity River Mile
78-79.1" (Project).  The joint document is being prepared under guidance
of the Trinity River Restoration Program and meets California
Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act

The subject document - which reviews potential environmental impacts
that might occur from implementing the first Trinity River Mainstem
Fisheries Restoration EIS/EIR prescribed Channel Rehab project, is
available for review and comment.  At www.usbr.gov/mp/nepa/, select
"Northern California Area Office" and click on "Trinity River Mechanical
Channel Rehabilitation Project EA."  

The Record of Decision (ROD) for the TRMFR EIS/EIR originally described
5 components that would need to be implemented in order to restore the
attributes of a healthy and functioning alluvial river to the Trinity. 
The properly functioning river would provide habitat complexity and
quality nursery habitat that now limit salmonid production.  

These 5 components were:

1.	Variable annual instream flows based on the water year,
2.	Physical channel Rehabilitation
3.	Sediment Management(control of fine sediment and augmentation of
coarse materials)
4.	Watershed restoration
5.	Infrastructure improvements to allow for higher flows.  

In addition, the ROD included provisions for an Adaptive Environmental
Assessment and Management (AEAM) Program.  

This demonstration project is the first of many planned Trinity River
physical channel rehabilitation projects (47 sites were originally
identified for mechanical work).
The proposed Project is located on the Trinity River, downstream of
Junction City and below the Canyon Creek confluence.  The purpose of the
Project is to promote the alluvial processes necessary for restoration
and maintenance of salmonid habitat in the Trinity River, which will be
accomplished by re-contouring the bank and floodplain features.  The
Project is a necessary step towards restoration of the Trinity River's
anadromous fishery as identified in the Interior Secretary's December
19, 2000, Record of Decision for the Trinity River Mainstem Fishery
Restoration Environmental Impact Statement.

The EA/DEIR is available for a 45-day public review and comment period.
 It is online at www.usbr.gov/mp/nepa/, select "Northern California Area
Office" and click on "Trinity River Mechanical Channel Rehabilitation
Project EA."  The document is available for review at the Trinity River
Restoration Program Office, 1313 South Main Street, Weaverville, and the
Trinity County Library, 211 North Main Street, Weaverville.

Comments must be received by close of business on October 6, 2004, and
should be sent to:  Mr. Brandt Gutermuth, Trinity River Restoration
Program, P.O. Box 1300, Weaverville, CA  96093, or e-mailed to
bgutermuth at mp.usbr.gov.  For further information or to request a copy
of the EA/DEIR, please contact Mr. Gutermuth at 530-623-1806 or Mr. Aric
Lester, DWR, at 530-529-7365.  

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