[env-trinity] Take Action To Save the American River!

Daniel Bacher danielbacher at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 13 10:41:02 PDT 2004

Take Action To Save The American!

by John Beuttler, conservation director, California Sportfishing Projection 

Since the inception of Folsom Dam on the American River some fifty years 
ago, the river has increasingly been jerked around by the Bureau of 
Reclamation (BOR) to export water to contractors and to meet salinity 
standards in the Delta.

The lack of flow and temperature standards needed to protect fisheries and 
aquatic habitat have significantly impacted the natural reproduction of the 
river's salmon, steelhead and American shad. With no flow or temperature 
requirements to prevent dropping the flows when fish are spawning, or to 
protect them from lethal thermal temperatures, poor river management has 
taken a huge toll on its fisheries!

According to Mike Healy, a biologist with the DFG, thirty-seven percent of 
the 2003 run, or 58,651 adults, died before spawning in the 22 miles of the 
river below Nimbus Dam in the fall of 2003. The vast majority were 
considered potential natural spawners. Big die-offs of pre-spawning salmon 
also occurred in 2002 and 2001. The 2002 run lost 30 percent of the run. The 
2001 lost 87,626 fish or 67 percent before spawning! Most of this waste 
could have been prevented if flow standards were required as part of the 
agencies water right.

The CSPA letter to BOR and the USFWS that follows goes into greater detail 
on this. CSPA is asking everyone to who reads this alert to “stand up for 
the river and its fisheries” by contacting the BOR and urging them to take 
action now. I'd like to thank Dan Bacher, managing editor of the Fish 
Sniffer magazine, for providing the data acquired by Mike Healy.

The addresses to send your letters are below. To make phone calls, contact: 
Lynnette Wirth, Deputy Director (916) 978-5100 or: Information Office: (916) 
978 - 5100 / FAX (916) 978 – 5114.

California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
1360 Neilson Street / Berkeley / CA 94702 / 510-526-4049

August 11, 2004

Mr. Kirk Rodgers                                      Mr. Steve Thompson
Regional Director                                      CA/Nevada Operations 
Bureau of Reclamation                              U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
2800 Cottage Way                                    2800 Cottage Way
Sacramento, CA 95825                             Sacramento, CA 95825

            Re:  American River Flow Standards

Dear Mr. Rodgers and Mr.Thompson:

The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, on behalf of our several 
thousand members, would like to inform you of our support for establishing 
flow standards to protect the anadromous fisheries and aquatic environment 
of the lower American River as proposed by the Sacramento Valley Water 

The proposed standards will correct the many years of fishery degradation 
due to BOR's flow releases from Folsom Dam. Since this proposal was 
developed through cooperation with your agencies, NOAA Fisheries and the 
California Department of Fish and Game, we urge your immediate action to 
adopt these flow standards. Such action would also help your agencies comply 
with the Central Valley Project Improvement Act to double populations of the 
river's naturally produced anadromous fisheries.

As you are aware, adopting these standards will require the actions of the 
State Water Resources Control Board to amend the BOR's permit to operate 
Folsom Reservoir established under Water Right Decision 893. We urge you to 
immediately initiate action to amend Decision 893.


John Beuttler,
For the Board of Directors

cc: Robert Treanor - Executive Director, California Fish & Game Commission
Ryan Broddrick - Director, California Department of Fish & Game
Celeste Cantu  - Executive Director, State Water Resources Control Board
Patrick Wright -  Executive Director, California Bay-Delta Authority

You can support CSPA’s conservation efforts by becoming a member.  Donations 
are tax-deductible, greatly needed and most appreciated. Send checks to CSPA 
at 1360 Neilson Street, Berkeley, CA 94702-1116. Membership starts a $25. If 
you are a member, then you know of the good work we do, so sign up a friend 
and help us restore our fisheries! Questions? Call me at 510-526-4049.

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