[env-trinity] Letter from Scottish Power Re. Klamath River

Daniel Bacher danielbacher at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 9 07:26:01 PDT 2004

Hello Activists!

The following is the letter I received from Scottish Power today in response 
to my letter regarding restoring the Klamath River.


Dear Mr Bacher,

Thank you for contacting ScottishPower regarding our subsidiary PacifiCorp's
Klamath River Hydroelectric Project.  We hope you find the following
information useful and informative. 

First, please be assured that ScottishPower and PacifiCorp have a full
appreciation for the issues raised by the Native American Tribal leaders and
a long-standing respect for, and interest in, Tribal social, economic and
cultural issues.  We are pursuing a collaborative working relationship with
all Klamath Basin stakeholders, which includes the Klamath Basin Tribes.

The Klamath River Basin is enormously complex, with myriad impacts and
interests, including those of the Tribes, federal and state government
regulators, irrigators, recreational users, fisheries, environmentalists and
others.  All of these groups are affected not only by the river's
management, but also by changes in climate, weather and other conditions
impacting the vast and diverse ecology of the Klamath Basin.

Federal agency intervention and decision making in response to these
conditions also impacts PacifiCorp in its efforts to provide low cost
electric power to its customers.  Our role and interest in the Klamath River
creates an opportunity to demonstrate our corporate commitment to sound
resource management, responsible environmental practices and sustainability.

As you may know, the Klamath River originates in south central Oregon and
flows into northern California.  PacifiCorp owns and operates a five-dam
hydroelectric project on the upper Klamath River at a distance of over 190
miles from the river's confluence with the Pacific Ocean.  The project is
licensed by the federal government and has been part of the fabric of the
local community for nearly a century.  As part of project construction,
PacifiCorp's predecessor worked with governmental agencies to establish and
operate fish hatcheries in lieu of fish passage - a common approach at the
time.  These hatcheries continue to produce millions of salmon and steelhead
each year that provide for tribal, commercial and recreational harvest.

PacifiCorp, along with Klamath Basin Tribes, state and federal fisheries
agencies, commercial fisherman, and environmental groups, are very focused
upon the health and prosperity of Klamath River fish.  A drought in 2001
brought national attention to the Basin as farmers protested irrigation
shutdowns that were ordered by federal agencies to protect

Klamath River sucker fish, a listed endangered species.  The Klamath again
was in the national spotlight in September 2002 following a massive fish
kill in the lower 40 miles of the Klamath River that resulted in over 33,000
dead salmon.  This fish kill appears to have been caused by an outbreak of
parasites in the river, which some have attributed to poor federal river

Since 2000, PacifiCorp has been engaged with over a hundred interested
parties including state and federal resource agencies, local, national and
international environmental groups, basin farmers and Klamath Basin Tribes
as part of the process to renew the federal operating license for the
project.  As part of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission relicensing,
the federal government will conduct a comprehensive environmental review
process of PacifiCorp's hydroelectric facilities and the environmental
resources in the region. The environmental review will include an in-depth
analysis of the fish populations and the best opportunities to restore and
support Klamath River fisheries.  This process will enlist significant
stakeholder and public participation.  It would be inappropriate for
PacifiCorp or any Klamath Basin stakeholder to presuppose the review's
findings, which could include additional fish passage measures, actual dam
removal or a host of additional environmental restoration initiatives.

Further, within the scientific community, there is real debate over the most
viable solution to this important problem - driven in a large part by the
issue of water quality in the Klamath Basin.  There are no easy solutions to
the long-standing tensions between the various interest groups associated
with the Klamath River system.
Hopefully you are probably aware that PacifiCorp, (along with its parent
company ScottishPower,) has a very strong environmental record.  PacifiCorp
has received numerous awards for environmental stewardship and has
successfully relicensed five other hydroelectric projects within the past
five years.

We are approaching the Klamath with the utmost seriousness and hopefulness,
and we remain committed to productive discussions with all interested
parties.  Along these lines, we are making every possible effort to bring
about a positive outcome by transitioning into the next phase of
collaborative work with all Basin interests, through which we hope to
develop a negotiated outcome.  This new phase will include representation
from a broad range of interests, including the Klamath Basin Tribes.  We
sincerely hope that everyone will join us and contribute in a positive
manner toward a negotiated outcome that balances all interests and makes the
Klamath Basin a healthier ecosystem.

Again, thank you for contacting us.  PacifiCorp values your opinions and
ideas, and we welcome any comments you may have.  Please contact us
toll-free at 1-800-532-1626 if we can be of further assistance.

Yours sincerely,

Gillan Rankin
Corporate Social Responsibility Co-ordinator
Internal 704 4797
External 0141 566 4797
gillan.rankin at scottishpower.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Bacher [mailto:danielbacher at hotmail.com]
Sent: 19 July 2004 18:21
To: Scottish Power
Subject: Help save the Klamath Salmon and Native Cultures

Dan  Bacher
3201 Eastwood Road
Sacramento, CA 95821

July 19, 2004

Dear  Power:

Sir or Madam:

As a Californian proud of the diverse cultures and ecosystems of our great
state, I write to ask your help and share some information.

Your subsidiary, PacifiCorp, is currently relicensing the Klamath dam
complex. By not working with local Native American Tribes, fishermen,  and
environmentalists,  PacifiCorp is not living up to the 'green' reputation
of Scottish Power.

These dams block over 350 miles of historic spawning habitat and degrade
water quality.

We once hosted over a million returning salmon each year, but no more. The
culture of the Hoopa, Yurok, Karuk,  and Klamath Tribes depend on the
salmon. We need to restore this fishery.

We appeal to you for help in saving this important resource.



danielbacher at hotmail.com


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