[env-trinity] Employment Opportunity-Technical Modeling and Analysis Branch Chief

Tom Stokely tstokely at trinityalps.net
Sun May 9 09:29:16 PDT 2004

May 7, 2004


Outreach Notice - Employment Opportunity

Trinity River Restoration Program, Weaverville, California

Technical Modeling and Analysis Branch Chief 


The Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP) will be advertising for the position of Technical Modeling and Analysis Group (TMAG) Branch Chief during May-June, 2004.  This is a supervisory interdisciplinary position requiring an advanced degree in physical or biological sciences.  The successful applicant will become a full time federal employee with the Bureau of Reclamation at the GS-13 grade level (salary range of $69,762 to $90,692, depending on qualifications and experience).  The position will be advertised both internally (current federal employees) and externally (all U.S. citizens) on the USAJobs website (www.usajobs.opm.gov). 


Located in Weaverville, California, the TRRP is a specialized field unit of Reclamation's Northern California Area Office charged with restoration of anadromous fish populations and habitat of the Trinity River.  While staff members are Reclamation employees, the office represents a multi-agency program and provides the technical, scientific, and administrative support needed to implement the December 2000 Record of Decision and Implementation Plan for the Trinity River Mainstem Fishery Restoration EIS.  


The incumbent is the senior scientist and lead spokesperson for the science branch of this program, and supervises a multi-disciplinary team of scientists and resource specialists.  Working in one of the most progressive adaptive environmental assessment and management (AEAM) programs in the United States, the TMAG develops annual flow schedule recommendations, uses models (e.g., SALMOD, PHABSIM) to predict restoration outcomes, and develops specific monitoring strategies.  The TMAG also works cooperatively with the Implementation Branch to integrate these products into practical management objectives and design recommendations for specific projects such as bank rehabilitation, gravel augmentation, riparian revegetation, sediment management, and watershed rehabilitation throughout the subbasin, with a special emphasis on 40 miles of the mainstem.  


The TMAG Branch Chief reports to the Executive Director who coordinates overall program management with policy direction provided by the Trinity Management Council (TMC).  The TMC consists of Reclamation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, USDA Forest Service, NOAA Fisheries, the Hoopa Valley and Yurok Tribes, the Resources Agency of California, and Trinity County.  A 19-member federal advisory committee, the Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group, provides a formal means of stakeholder participation in the program.  


Scenic Weaverville is located 45 miles west of Redding and 100 miles east of Eureka (and the Pacific coast) on State Highway 299.  This historic mining town (population 3,500) is the County Seat of Trinity County.  The economy is based on outdoor recreation, tourism, forest management, timber harvest, and federal, state, and local government.  Outdoor recreation opportunities are plentiful in the Whiskeytown/Shasta/Trinity National Recreation Area and the Trinity Alps Wilderness Area. 


For more information, contact Doug Schleusner, Executive Director, by phone at 530-623-1800, by mail at P.O. Box 1300, Weaverville, CA 96093, or email at dschleusner at mp.usbr.gov.
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