[env-trinity] Cal Fish and Game's Fishery Restoration Grant Program- Proposals Due May 21

Tom Stokely tstokely at trinityalps.net
Fri Apr 23 11:08:32 PDT 2004

The California Department of Fish & Game has issued a solicitation for proposals for projects under its Fisheries Restoration Grant Program for 2004/2005.  The deadline for applications being received is 21 May. A series of 6 workshops will be held during April across the state to explain the program.  For more information, or an application, go to: http://www.dfg.ca.gov/nafwb/fishgrant.html, or call (916) 327-8849.

The Fishery Restoration Grant Program has funded numerous projects in the Klamath and Trinity basins over the past 20 years.  Current projects include the Trinity River Bridges Project, the Five Counties Salmonid Restoration Program and numerous fish barrier and watershed restoration projects.

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