[Dhsbb-symph] Booster Meeting tonight, and new Fundraiser at Farmers Market Dec. 28

Cynthia Kerner cjkerner at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 11 12:51:34 PST 2019

Hi all
Band Booster meeting tonight, 7:30 band room.  Agenda: Director's report, treasurer's report, Fundraising, Coconut Grove, Victoria trip.  November meeting minutes are attached.
See you tonight for what should be a short meeting!Cynthia
And now a message from band parent volunteer Mark Pollock (he is cc'd above for contact and questions):
Volunteer fundraiser opportunity! 
We are signed up to use the Central Park carousel  on December 28th, from 9AM until 1PM. We need volunteers for hour long slots (you can take more than one slot if you are up for it!) During this time, we will assist with children being seated on the carousel, collect money, and will pedal to power the carousel. Band members are especially good at this last part, and can take turns pedaling with each other! 
To sign up, please visit Carousel Fundraiser 

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Carousel Fundraiser

Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!




Thank you! 
Mark Pollockmutantmoose at gmail.com

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