[Dhsbb-symph] Band Booster meeting this Wed. 11/7 7:30pm. Band Room

Rob Kerner rvkerner at ucdavis.edu
Sun Nov 4 19:17:32 PST 2018

Hello Band parents,

It’s that time again and we have lots to discuss.  Below is the agenda, but most important anyone interested in the New Orleans trip should come attend to hear and participate in the discussion and decisions about the increase in cost.

1.         Tom’s report

     *   We need to plan for the concert on Wed. 14th.
     *   programs...does BB do anything for that in terms of making or passing out?

2.         Disney trip update and finances
3.       New Orleans trip update and finances
4.       Treasurers report
5.       Fundraising report

     *   collecting "ticket" donations
     *   passing out Nugget scrip
     *   selling snacks/dessert
     *   Coconut grove
     *   Sponsors
     *   Nugget Script

I look forward to seeing you all there.


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