[Dhsbb-jazz] Band Schedule through December with concert date CHANGE

Cynthia Kerner cjkerner at sbcglobal.net
Fri Oct 18 07:40:46 PDT 2019

Hi all,
Some of you didn't get the band schedule, so it's attached.
NOTE IMPORTANT DATE CHANGE: The Jazz concert is now December 4 (not Dec 11).  
And while I'm here...just a reminder students can still sign up to go on the Victoria Trip!  Band trips are really wonderful, making new friends, experiencing other conductors and performance venues, traveling to new part of the world!  I've attached those forms too.  It says the form and first payment was due in Sept, but you can still get it in now.  
Questions about the trip: Melinda Grow boom5of9 at gmail.com
Have a great weekend everyone!
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