[Dhsbb-jazz] Band Boosters meeting Wed 3/6. 7:30. Band Room

Rob Kerner rvkerner at ucdavis.edu
Tue Mar 5 15:56:31 PST 2019

Sorry for the late reminder.  We have our monthly Band Booster meeting tomorrow night.  Below are some of the topics.

  1.  Band Directors Report
     *   Recap of upcoming events

                                                               i.      Sonoma

                                                             ii.      Paradise Music

  1.  Treasurers report
  2.  Coconut grove recap
  3.  Disney update
  4.  Any other topics

Please note we still need people to sign up for Saturday March 16th Paradise save the music event.  The volunteers will mostly be greeting people and asking for donations.


-Rob Kerner
Band Booster President

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