[Dhsbb-jazz] HELP NEEDED for Wine Tasting Fundraiser for NY trip!

Cynthia Kerner cjkerner at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 22 17:35:12 PDT 2018

I dusted once; it came back.  I'm not falling for that again...
Hi everyone and Happy Spring!  We have another NY fundraiser coming up on April 7 and we NEED HELP.  Jackie Lundy from orchestra is the main person setting this up, Sherri from band will be there that day, but we need BAND people to also help, ASAP.  For various personal reasons I cannot be involved in the planning of this one, folks (with the exception of sending out these reminders, flyers, etc) so we need people from band to step up and get involved in the planning, ASAP.  I've copied below the latest email from Jackie, so please respond to her if you can help (her email is jackielundy at earthlink.com). 
And for everyone: here again is the link to the Facebook event page.  You can share on Facebook, but you can also forward this link via email to any of your friends, families, or coworkers.  Also attached is the flyer.  In both, there are links to the Band Booster website where tickets can be purchased online.  Wine Tasting Fundraiser-NYC Trip

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Wine Tasting Fundraiser-NYC Trip
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>From Jackie:
THANK YOU SHERRI for volunteering to help with the wine tasting. It would be great to have one or two more people to help especially since Sherri needs to leave right at 3:00. Also, it’s good to know about asking for donations for raffle tickets instead of a set price. Berryessa Gap will have a point person to work with at the wine tasting so as soon as I get that information I will send it on. They are very organized there so writing them a check should be easy to do. Thanks again for doing all of this. Here’s what I found out after my visit at the venue today:·         They can provide 4 armless chairs for our musician. They have some that are regular chairs and some that are metal folding chairs. Angelo, is one better that the other for the kids?·         There is no PA system, no outdoor speakers, and one 2-plug socket outside.·         The Brewery adjacent to the tasting room has outdoor music speakers. The Winery has no control over what music and how loud it is played. It could work out well if we need some background music or it could be a bit of a problem if it drowns out our musicians.·         There are tables we can use there for the raffle and silent auction. They are big heavy picnic tables. We may want to bring a smaller table to have at the entrance to sign people in and give out the wrist bands.·         Cal Trans will not allow a sandwich board on the road in front of the winery. They do have a stack of wine barrels near their entrance where we can put a poster and balloons. I will work on this.·         IMPORTANT The Winery needs an estimate of how many people will be attending. Even rough figures are good e.g. more than 50 or less than 50. Also, we need some sort of bracelets to identify our people who have paid since there may be other winery/brewery customers in the area too. I will be glad to get these, but I have no idea where to get them. Does anyone know where I can get them? What we still need:·         One or two more people to help put on the event·         Raffle tickets (are there any left from the Mark Wood raffle?)·         Wrist bands·         Silent auction items?·         The number of tickets sold thus far·         The number of groups playing at the event and length of time they will play My family and I will be gone the first part of Spring Break to check out some colleges. I will be back 3/29. Happy Spring Break,Jackiejackielundy at earthlink.net
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