[Dhsbb-jazz] Seeking Sponsors for our NY trip: LOTS OF HELP NEEDED!

Cynthia Kerner cjkerner at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 30 09:30:17 PST 2018

Hi everyone.  I have the documents attached: cover letter, and sponsorship form.  And below is the link to the Google Spreadsheet: the businesses listed on the left you can solicit.  They are by no means then only ones, you can contact whoever you want, just add any new ones to the bottom of the list.  When you choose a business, just put your name in the Parent Contact column.  The only businesses NOT to approach are the column on the right: these are for Coconut Grove only.  Remember, you can ask not only businesses/companies, but individuals: your real estate agent, insurance agent, financial adviser, etc!  Remember we have ~$17,000 to raise!!Helen, can you please forward this to all the orchestra folks, too, we need as much help as we can get.  The letter and sponsorship form reflect it's for both groups, thanks!!
DHS Business Sponsors
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DHS Business Sponsors
 Sheet1 Business name, parent contact, parent email, Yes!:), No.:(, Sponsorship amount, Contact at business, Do...  |   |



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