[Dhsbb-jazz] Folsom Jazz Fest Saturday and NOLA news

JazzyHorns at aol.com JazzyHorns at aol.com
Fri Jan 22 11:07:05 PST 2016

Hi All,
A large info packet was sent home earlier this week about the  Folsom Jazz 
Fest on Saturday.  I only saw it yesterday - so ask your kids  if you 
haven't seen it yet!  There reportedly may be some updates to that  info so Tom, 
if you have any new info please let us know.
According to the packet info we need to mobilize quite early  tomorrow - 
6:40 a.m. at DHS.  Neither John nor I will be able to be there  for that, but 
I am hoping to make it by the end of the day up there.  With  24 students in 
the jazz band we will need between 5-7 drivers for the event  depending on 
size of car.  Please let Tom know if you can help out.   Students are not 
allowed to drive themselves, no matter their age as this is a  school event.  
Also, our NOLA trip is just 11 weeks away!  I will be  ticketing our 
flights later this week, so any additional payments toward the  $1200 cost to 
boosters per student would be greatly appreciated.  Most have  sent in the $75 
donation for the air reservation, and a few have sent a full  donation.  If 
you aren't sure where you stand, and your check register  doesn't show you 
the answer, then just ask and I'll get that info for  you. Checks can be sent 
to school, mailed to the PO Box or brought tomorrow  (give to Tom in the 
morning or directly to me in the afternoon).  As  always, checks should be made 
out to DHS Band Boosters.  Note:  This  suggested $1200 donation amount 
includes a conservative guesstimate amount from  the Coconut Grove fundraiser 
in March.  Should we find we have excess funds  after that event then we will 
either purchase more meals on the trip for the  group or provide some 
spending funds per student on the trip or something.   We should know more by the 
end of March, so stay tuned.  By that time  however, all of our bills will 
need to be paid off, so please send in your  donations as soon as possible.  
Thank you!  
Again, please help with driving tomorrow if you can.  
(Tom - I can take 5 people back from Folsom to Davis if that  is needed)
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