[Dhsbb-jazz] Greetings Fellow DHS Band Boosters - Annual Family BBQ/Potluck this Thursday 6:00pm

Horn, John A john.a.horn at intel.com
Mon Aug 24 23:57:32 PDT 2015

Hello Everyone,
I hope you had a great summer and are excited about the great year of music that is about to begin!!

The Band Booster Officers have been meeting and along with Mr. Slabaugh are laying out the plans for another fantastic year.

We have the Officer spots confirmed for the year.  They are:
                       President:                    John Horn
                       Vice President:          Wes Young
                       Treasurer:                    Ron Mikalson
                       Secretary:                    Cheryl Walker

We will be kicking off our year, with the annual Welcome Back BBQ/Potluck for Band Members and their families.
We'll provide Hot Dogs, Veggie Dogs and condiments and ask that you help out and bring something as well.
                               This year ALL FAMILIES are encouraged to attend.  Come meet your fellow band families.
                               This is a POTLUCK BBQ.  Band Boosters will provide the Hot Dogs and Veggie Dogs, Condiments, etc.
                                Please bring something to share:   If your last name begins with the letter:
                                              A-H, please bring a side dish (Salad - green/fruit/potato/noddle/etc, chips, beans, casserole, etc. )
                                               I-Q, please bring a drink for ~ 10 people
                                               R-Z, please bring a dessert for ~ 10-15 people.
Time:  Thursday, 8/27 6:00pm
Location:  DHS Quad Area, MPR Patio
Students:  Bring your instruments as there is a Pep Band rehearsal in the band room at 7:30pm following the BBQ.

Band Polo shirts will be available to purchase if you don't have one from last year.

CALENDAR:  Some of the closest upcoming events are:
               Wed 8/26 - 1st Day of school
               Thur 8/27 - 6:00 - 900 pm:  DHS Band Booster Welcome Back Family BBQ  (6pm - 7:30 pm), Pep Band Rehearsal (7:30-9:00).
               Wed 9/2 - 1st DHS Band Boosters Meeting - 7:30 in PA3 - the DHS Band Room.  More details to be discussed here.

Looking forward to seeing you this week!


John Horn
DHS Band Booster President
(916) 804-5017
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