[Dhsbb-jazz] DHS Band Boosters - Playathon Information (NEED YOUR HELP)

Horn, John A john.a.horn at intel.com
Wed Jan 15 17:07:05 PST 2014

I obviously used a form from a couple of years ago. This year's trip is to Victory, Canada.
Please go to Signup Genius to sign up to help with specific items.
Help is much needed.


I will be looking at the signups to determine if we can proceed with this or will have to cancel tomorrow (Thursday) night.


From: Horn, John A
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 12:04 PM
To: DHS Jazz Band (dhsbb-jazz at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us); DHS Concert Band (dhsbb-concert at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us); DHS Symphonic Band (dhsbb-symph at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us)
Cc: Horn, John A
Subject: DHS Band Boosters - Playathon Information

Play-a-thon 2014 Information:
Location Emerson Jr. High Indoor Commons    2121 Calaveras Ave.

Schedule                                                                                          STUDENTS  PLEASE  BRING
Friday  Jan 17                                                                                             SNACKS TO SHARE DURING THE EVENING:

6:45 - 7:00 pm:  Check in; desserts                                                                 Last name   A - H     Sweet treats or fruit

7:15 pm: Parents/friends play or conduct;                                                       Last name   I - O       Snacks (crackers, chips etc)

9:00 pm:   Costume contest, pizza break , dancing                                                                        or vegetable munchies

                                                                                                                          Last name  P - Z       Beverages ( juice, soda etc)

10:00 pm - 7 am:  Band music (40-45 min), food, fun, door prizes          (Coffee, hot chocolate, hot tea, water will be provided)

Saturday Jan 18                                                        (15-20 min)

7  am: Final door prize drawing, depart for home

Students:  Don't miss out on Play-a-thon 2014.  It is a great chance to collect pledges from extended family, neighbors and friends to support your 12-hour music marathon to raise funds toward the Spring combined band trip to San Diego or the Jazz Band Trip to New Orleans.  Do you know 20 people? If they each pledge $2 that's $40 toward reducing trip costs! Even if you don't collect pledges, come and enjoy the evening of music and relax with your friends after finals week.  The first hour and a half of music will be shared with family & friends that want to play along with the band or conduct. During this time we will also host junior high students and their families that would like to find out about the high school band program before they choose high school classes. After the play-along time, when families and friends leave, we will have an hour of activities (a costume contest, a pizza break and dancing). From 10 pm until 7 am you will enjoy music theme hours (40-45 minutes of playing, 15-20 minutes of break time to relax) with a range of music including Broadway musicals, movie themes, marches, pep band and more.  We'll give your lips a rest at the half-way point with a longer break including a Nerf toy extravaganza. We'll have a room available for quieter break relaxation also.  Rest rooms are available within the indoor commons. We'll have wrap-up time and everyone will go home at 7 a.m. Saturday morning.  You should wear comfortable clothes (you may come in a costume if you wish....pep band rules will apply) and bring your pep band/regular instrument (not your "good" instrument)...you'll be eating in between playing.  If you wish, you should also bring any of the following that you have: board games for the quiet activity room, Nerf activity toys, a kazoo (or comb plus paper), dance music, potluck snacks to share during the evening (see assignments above). We will set up an amplifier to hook up an iPod and iPod dock for dance music.

Parents:  We will not have formal concerts this year to begin or end the event, but please plan to stay for a while and enjoy the music play-along when you drop off your student by 7 p.m. on Friday. Permission forms must be turned in when your student arrives (along with the pledge forms and money collected). If your student will be leaving before 7 a.m., you must indicate the time on the permission form. For a $25 pledge to your student, you or a friend or family member can join in with the band or take a turn as a conductor. We will have desserts and hot beverages available (donations accepted.  Your student will be ready to be picked up at 7 a.m. on Saturday.

Please sign up to help or to loan items that we need for set up ( in particular a large coffee pot and some items for the costume creation contest) at the sign-up genius site (www.SignUpGenius.com/go/8050D49AEAB292-dhsplayathon<http://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D49AEAB292-dhsplayathon>) (please include your email address with your name when you sign up). You can also contact John Horn at john.a.horn at intel.com<mailto:john.a.horn at intel.com> or (916) 804-5017 mobile/cell.

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