[Dhsbb-jazz] Fwd: Goodies for Thursday Evening's Concert

cellomama1222 at aol.com cellomama1222 at aol.com
Mon May 20 20:46:32 PDT 2013

Ladies and gentlemen (drum roll, please):

Here it is, somehow, the Jazz on a Summer's Eve concert. Thursday, May 23.  As at previous concerts, we are inviting Band parents to bring goodies to share.  Cookies , brownies and other treats are welcome.

Take note: This year's final concert for Jazz Band is to be held at the Veterans Memorial Center, not the DHS Brunelle Theater.

Please consider bringing a couple dozen treats to offer, to benefit Band Boosters.  Just drop them by the table in the lobby on your way in to the concert.
If you are willing to help out at the table, feel free.  We would love one (or more!) of you to volunteer to coordinate the treats table for next year, as well.  No previous training necessary!  E-mail me back if you are interested.

Thank you and enjoy the concert!!
Julie Hochman at cellomama1222 at aol.com.


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