[Dhsbb-jazz] Adjudication concert coming up Thursday March 22 7:30 pm

Jeanette E. Natzle jenatzle at ucdavis.edu
Wed Mar 14 23:34:58 PDT 2012

The Davis Senior High School Concert Band, under the direction of Clyde Quick, and the Symphonic Band, under the direction of Fredrick Lange, will present their annual Adjudication Concert on Thursday, March 22 at 7:30 p.m. at the Brunelle Performance Theater, 315 W. 14th St. The unique format of this special concert gives the audience an opportunity to watch and listen in as the bands perform for a visiting music expert, and then receive feedback and work with the expert on stage. This instruction benefits the students, but also helps the audience understand the process that contributes to producing an outstanding and memorable musical performance. The adjudicator this year is Dr. Lester Lehr, Professor Emeritus from American River College, and former member of the Eastman Wind Ensemble with Frederick Fennell. The Concert Band will be performing "Chorale and Shaker Dance II", "The Willows of Winter", and "Dreams and Fancies". The Symphonic Band will perform an exciting new symphony for band based on San Francisco of April, 1906. The public is invited to attend and no admission will be charged for this concert, although donations to help support the music program will be gladly accepted.

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