[Dhsbb-jazz] Congratulations - 2012-13 Officers!!

Horn, John A john.a.horn at intel.com
Mon Jun 4 22:32:02 PDT 2012

Greetings Fellow Band Boosters,

I'd like to introduce our new 2012-13 school year's Davis Senior High School Band Boosters Officers:

Co-Presidents:   Sue & John Ebeler
Co-Vice Presidents:  Julie Hochman & Wes Young
Treasure:  Jeff de Ropp
Secretary:  Renee Lawver de Angelis


Please join me in offering them your help & support during the year.
There will be a separate email going out with the remaining committee chair & assistant positions that need to be filled.
Please seriously consider helping out with one of the many highly needed positions.


John A. Horn
Outgoing DHS Band Booster President  :)
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