[Dhsbb-jazz] Join in the fun for Playathon - Volunteer, Play-along or Conduct

Jeanette E. Natzle jenatzle at ucdavis.edu
Thu Jan 12 12:17:00 PST 2012

Dear Band Families,

Play-a-thon is coming up Friday Jan 20 7 pm - Saturday Jan 21 7 a.m.  Just a reminder to turn in Playathon permission forms ASAP (no later than Tues Jan 17) to the collection bin in the band room (forms were attached in an earlier email, sent home with students and are also available on the Band Boosters website http://groups.dcn.org/dhsbandboosters. Pledge forms and pledges will be turned in at check-in. Please encourage your student to ask friends, neighbors, extended family for pledges to take advantage of this fundraising opportunity - funds will be earmarked to their own student accounting toward the band trips.

We still need volunteers to help at Play-a-thon. You can sign up online at    http://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0848AAAB2F4-playathon , or you can look at the attached pdf copy of the sign-up list and email Jeanette Vance (jenatzle at ucdavis.edu) with a sign-up. We have particular need for the following:

--Assembly of music into folders. Starting at 10 am Sat Jan 14 - ? Even if you can't come at the beginning, we may still need people later in the afternoon.

--People to pick up donated pizzas and deliver to Emerson by ~9:15-9:30 pm.

--Additional check-in helpers so the lines will move quickly

--a certified school district employee to be there as one of the chaperones from 7 pm-11 pm. We have a volunteer to cover the rest of the evening.

You can also help by loaning a Twister game, and by saving your newspapers and paper bags and bringing them at or before check-in Friday night for our costume creation contest. We will also gladly collect rolls of toilet paper and masking tape.

Thanks for your help! Please plan to stay and listen from 7-9 during the family/friends/alumni Play-along. Better yet, dust off your instrument or your conducting baton and join us (for a $25 pledge to your student's account). Or just relax with some dessert, join in the cakewalk, and listen to our great guest conductor for that part of the evening, Eric Burger, a 1976 DHS alumnus who is a professional trombonist (he was the guest artist a couple years ago with the Jazz Band).

See you at Play-a-thon
Jeanette Natzle Vance
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