[Dhsbb-jazz] Fwd: Band Trip Carpool Information

JazzyHorns at aol.com JazzyHorns at aol.com
Mon May 16 16:20:27 PDT 2011


The carpool lists  for the departing and returning  trips  are  attached.  
The carpool drivers will receive a folder at check in, which  contains a 
copy of the  student’s emergency contact form.  The folders will  have the car 
number printed  on the front side. For parents who are also  returning 
carpool drivers, copies of the emergency contact forms  for the students assigned 
to their car will also be included in the same  folder. I will deliver the 
folders to the parent drivers  who are only doing the returning carpool  


    *   Group  1  travelers meet at DHS at 1:30 - 1:45.  The car drivers  
need to  arrive at DHS by 1:45 and the cars will depart at 2:15.   
    *   Group  2  and 3 travelers meet at DHS at 3:00 - 3:15.  Drivers  
arrive by 3:15  pm and will depart by 3:45 p.m.     
    *   Carpool  drivers need to check in at the  DHS designated area and 
pick up their  folder which contains  copies of the student emergency contact 
 forms for the  students assigned to their car.  
    *   Leave  for the airport as soon as you  have all of your passengers 
on your  list.       
    *   Arrive at the Sacramento airport terminal -  drop   off is  
terminal curb side only.  Chaperones will  be  waiting at terminal to check in  

    *   Arriving students will be picked up at  Terminal A (Southwest) or 
Terminal B (Alaska Air) by the carpool  drivers  only.  
    *   Arriving students and chaperones will be  wearing  the band trip 
    *   Make  sure to bring your folder containing the list of the  
travelers being  picked up and the emergency contact forms.  The folders will have  
the car numbers on the front side  and can be used as signs for the  
students and chaperones to find  you at the airport.     
    *   Students will be delivered to the DHS parking  lot  near the IPAB 
and  should be calling their  parents for pick up.   The drivers may drop off 
the students  at their home  with their parent’s  permission (by phone  
    *   Carpool  drivers need to make sure that  the students have been 
picked up from the  DHS before they leave  the parking lot.    
    *   Since transportation back to the school  is  part of  the trip, 
only carpool  drivers that have  filled out  driver permission forms may pick 
up the  returning travelers  from the airport.  

Thank you,
Luci  Schmidl 
Carpool  Coordinator

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