[Dhsbb-jazz] Hotel Reservations

JazzyHorns at aol.com JazzyHorns at aol.com
Wed Feb 9 15:46:49 PST 2011

Hi all,
Thank you to everyone for getting back to me so quickly with reservation  
requests for the hotel for the Monterey Festival.   
Good News - it looks like we can have all those rooms we requested as part  
of their group rate (we have 7 kid rooms and 13 adult rooms!!)  
Bad News - the group price is a little different than what I, at least,  
initially interpreted... 

The rates differ depending on the number of people in the room.   SO, the 
actual rates are pasted below: 
The group rate for single/double occupancy is $151.00, tripe  occupancy 
rate $171.00 and Quad occupancy rate $191.00.  
If you want to keep  your room in this hotel for the 2 nights, Fri April 1 
and Sat April 2, then do  nothing.  You have a reservation and all is set.  
If you want to  change your mind and find your own lodging or whatnot, then 
email me and I will  send a revision in our room request to the hotel. 
As a reminder:  We are at the Portola Hotel and  Spa.  Here is the website 
if you want to check it out.  This is the  hotel where the event is held, 
but there are others nearby within walking  distance I think, and some just a 
short drive away too.  _www.portolahotel.com_ (http://www.portolahotel.com)  
Remember - only  respond to this email if you want to cancel your status 
with our  group that is  staying at the Portola Hotel.   
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