[Dhsbb-jazz] Carpools, Carpools, Carpools

Peter Matlock matlockpeter at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 31 22:40:44 PDT 2008

Dear Jazz Band Parents,
  I want to underscore the email sent earlier today by Nancy Hatamiya.  Nancy is working very hard to be sure every student gets a ride to Monterey this weekend.  Both she and I sent out previous (multiple) messages asking who needs a ride and who could drive.
  Up to this week five students announced they needed rides, and we looked to be in good shape.  Unfortunately, today in Band Mr. Lange asked who would need a ride, and eight additional students said they'd need one.  Nancy is now scrambling to find additional drivers.
  Unfortunately, this is not a new pattern.  On prior trips this year we've looked to be in good shape, and then at the very last minute (literally, the last one or two days) a whole host of students appeared who needed rides.  Thanks to the flexibility and generosity of numerous parents these last-minute requests could be met.
  We've got to stop meeting like this.
  Please--if you need a ride this weekend to Monterey then contact Nancy Hatamiya IMMEDIATELY (specify which ways you need a ride).  If you have space in your car then please contact Nancy IMMEDIATELY with your travel plans (when are you going, when will you return), number of available seats, etc.
  Nancy's email:  Nancy Hatamiya <nhatamiya at comcast.net>
  WAIT!!!!  We're not done.
  New Orleans is next week.  ALL Jazz Band students must be at the Sacramento Airport at 5:00 PM (yes--that's 5 Stupid O'clock in the morning) on Thursday, April 10.  We won't be waiting for anyone, we won't be callling to wake anyone up and we won't be driving back to Davis to pick up stragglers.
  I've asked for a carpool coordinator, and no-one has stepped up. 
  This one will be simple.  If there's no volunteer to coordinate carpools--to the airport on Thursday and at 10:40 PM Sunday when we return--then there will be no carpools and everyone will have to get their student to the airport on time.
  If you can't get your student to the airport or pick them up at these times then please volunteer to organize carpool drivers.  Let me know by Wednesday, April 2 so you'll have time to put out your notices.  Otherwise, everyone is individually responsible.
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