[Dhsbb-jazz] FW: steph' jazz list

David E. Hunt desdhunt at comcast.net
Sat Sep 29 15:32:26 PDT 2007

Joyce, Peter and Lesli,


Here is the volunteer list for the Jazz Festival.  The starred items need to
be filled.  Please, send this out and have people email at
desdhunt at comast.net to let me know what they want to do.  More students are
needed to help cover the Band Booster Booth which will have CDs, Raffle
tickets and water.  Siblings and friends can also help out while the Jazz
Band is performing from 4:00 to 5:00.  Everyone needs to be on alert for
keeping the areas cleaned continually.   Garbage and recycling bins will be
placed throughout the areas. At 6:00 everyone needs to be sure that their
areas are cleaned and picked up.


I am expecting that parents and students take the initiative on Saturday to
move into jobs if they see that there is a need.


Stephanie Hunt



-----Original Message-----
From: shunt at djusd.k12.ca.us [mailto:shunt at djusd.k12.ca.us] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 1:51 PM
To: desdhunt at comcast.net
Subject: steph' jazz list





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