[Dhsbb-jazz] Renew your Safeway Club Card for the Band Boosters

Larry Lagerstrom lagerstrom at ucdavis.edu
Fri Nov 30 16:39:04 PST 2007

To Davis High Band Boosters,


A reminder for those of you who have registered your Safeway club cards at
escrip.com: you will probably need to renew your registration if you haven't
already done so. Go to www.escrip.com <http://www.escrip.com/>  and look for
the link to "Renew your commitment to Safeway Stores today" (probably in the
lower left corner of the page). 


If you haven't registered your card, or the renewal doesn't work, you can
register your card by going to the "Sign up" link. The band boosters account
is under "Davis Senior High School Band Boosters" (or account number
137316731, or search for organizations under zip code 95617).


Questions? Don't hesitate to contact me.



Larry Lagerstrom

Scrip coordinator

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