[Dhsbb-jazz] Band Boosters' meeting on Thursday, June 7th

DHS Band Boosters - Jazz Band dhsbb-jazz at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
Tue Jun 5 21:47:50 PDT 2007

Hi, everyone...  A reminder that we'll have the final Band Boosters' meeting 
for this school year on Thursday, June 7th.  Usual time...  usual place. 
This meeting will be very short.  If you are an officer or activity 
coordinator who won't be returning next year, please bring your Band 
Boosters' folder (if you have one) and any historical records to the 
meeting.  Let me know if you can't make the meeting and we'll make other 
arrangements for you to pass your folder onto next year's board.

Thank you, everyone, for all your support this year!  We have had a great 
year and our band students have had an even better year!  Just as the band 
students have found lasting friendships among their fellow musicians, so 
have many of us parents also found friends who will continue long after our 
sons and daughters leave DHS.  Thank you, Fred Lange, for helping our sons 
and daughters achieve their musical potentials!

Steve Williams
(530) 757-2223
stevewms at sbcglobal.net 
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