[Dhsbb-jazz] Spring Trip

DHS Band Boosters - Jazz Band dhsbb-jazz at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
Thu Feb 22 06:55:40 PST 2007

On Tuesday, February 20, all band students who signed up to  go on the DHS 
Bands Spring Tour to southern California were given a trip package  during
band class.  The package includes “Rules of the Road”,  “Behavior Policy for 
Band Tours”, and the “Guidelines for Responsive Discipline  in Secondary 
Schools”.  These documents should be reviewed and discussed  with your
Also included were two very important forms that must  be returned to the 
classroom by March 2 in order for your child to  participate in this overnight 
field trip.  Please complete and sign both sides of “Field  Trip 
Authorization/Emergency” form (blue sheet) and complete and provide both 
your child’s and 
your signatures on the “Parent/Student Agreement” form (green  sheet).  A 
receiving box has been placed in the band classroom where  your student can
these two forms by March 2.   
The package also provides a "Packing List & Information  Sheet".  As your 
student will participate in public performances  in Disneyland, the Disneyland 
Resort organization requires strict adherence to  performance attire and there 
are no exceptions.  We urge you to pay  close attention to the highlighted 
required attire in this information  sheet.   
Please review the trip package with  your child and if you have any questions 
or concerns, please contact  Laurel Fagan at _fagan at davis.com_ 
(mailto:fagan at davis.com)  or (530)304-2836  or Mary  Kay Williams at (530)
(Reminder:  Please do not use the listserv email address to respond or 
request  information regarding this message; all inquiries should be
directed to the 
 email address or telephone numbers provided for Laurel and Mary Kay.  Thank  

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