[Dhsbb-jazz] Last Band Booster Meeting of the year on Tues., June 13, 7:30 pm

DHS Band Boosters - Jazz Band dhsbb-jazz at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
Fri Jun 9 19:10:26 PDT 2006

Hi Band parents-
  Please come to our final Band Booster meeting on Tuesday, June 13th at 7:30 pm 
  at my home (918 Colby Drive).
  We'll have dessert and discuss our plans for next year.
  Anyone in possession of a Band Booster committee binder, please bring it with you to the meeting.
  Parents of graduating seniors are also welcome, as we value your wise input and suggestions.
  I have several ideas for reconfiguring jobs and making them less labor intensive.  I also have some proposals for new fundraisers, so please come, listen, and tell me what you think.  
  Band Boosters is not complete without your voice.
  I look forward to seeing you Tuesday evening!
  Thank you and Peace,
  Doreen Conte

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