[Dhsbb-concert] opportunity to volunteer with Band Boosters

Annika and Brian Keeley abkeeley98 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 13 19:10:56 PST 2019

Dear Band Families,

We are taking the opportunity of the symphonic band concert on November 20
to do a little fundraising and would appreciate your help. At the concert,
we will be asking for donations and selling baked goods.

If you can help, please sign up here

Striving to make this a zero-waste event, we are bringing the Band
Booster's reusable dishes and are inviting you to bring home-made baked
goods. In addition to producing less waste they also tend to sell better.

Even though only the symphonic band is performing, it is a fundraiser for
all three bands and we encourage families from all 3 bands (jazz, concert,
and symphonic bands) to volunteer.

Thank you,
(Band Booster vice chair)
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