[Davis Democrats] Urgent: until 8PM Tuesday, at your Precinct Polling Location-Go Out To Vote

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Tue Jun 5 10:50:05 PDT 2012

This is a voluntary action  opportunity. If you have not mailed in your mail-in ballot, you can turn in your ballot and vote at your local precinct polling place by 8pm Tonight. It is too late to mail in your ballot; it must be received by 8pm. For information: Go to www.yoloelections.org. Click on "Find Your Polling Place." Enter your 5-digit zipcode, and enter the first word of your street address. 

Your vote, and your getting others out to vote, is especially important in this June 5 election. The following are 3 good reasons.

A) Voter turnout in California is predicted to hit a record low, according to the front page of the Sacramento Bee today, June 5, 2012.   Historically, democratic values do not get well expressed when only a relatively small percentage of voters (who can afford to take the time) go out to  vote. When people turn out to vote, Democrats usually win. We are the party of the common person and of common sense. 

B) This is a primary election day. The Democratic primary for President of the U.S. is governed by the Democratic Party  to include only Democratic Party  voters.  However, the primaries for California state senate and California state assembly and for U.S. Congress  and for U.S. Senate are open to all voters in California regardless of party; the two highest vote-getters for each office will face a run-off in the general election in November. 

i) In the primary for our U.S. Congressional District #3, John Garamendi faces 4 challengers.
ii) in the primary for U.S. Senate, Dianne Feinstein faces 23 challengers;
iii)in the primary for our California Senate District #3, Lois Wolk faces a write-in challenge;
iv)in our California Assembly District #4, Mariko Yamada faces a Republican challenger and a write-in challenge. 

C)Proposition 29, the state sales tax of $1 on cigarettes, is receiving national attention as a bellwether of the influence of big corporate money in political campaigns, and of popular understanding of   tax revenue.
	The New York Times, yesterday,Monday, had an investigative report, on pages A1 and A3, by Adam Nagourney in LA, about Prop 29. It is now a close contest: 53-47%. In March, 67% supported the sales tax. In the week May 14-20, it had dropped 14 points to 53%. And there has been a flood of  expensive mailers and paid-for political advertising since then. 
	Amount of money against the cigarette tax as of June 3: $47 million. Philip Morris $27.5 m; R.J.Reynolds $11.2 m; California Republican Party $1.1 m. 
	Amount raised for the cigarette tax as of June 3: $12million. American Cancer Society $8.5 m. Lance Armstrong Foundation $1.5m. American Heart Ass'n $563,594. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of NYC  $.5m. American Lung Ass'n $421,986. 

If you have already voted, call your friends here and in other states,e.g. Wisconsin, to remind them to vote. It's your choice. And that is what makes us and keeps us a free country.  

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