[Davis Democrats] Reception Honoring Dave Jones, Democratic Candidate for Insurance Commissioner
G Richard Yamagata PhD
yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Sat Sep 4 18:01:00 PDT 2010
Dear Davis Democratic Club mailing list subscriber,
The following IS NOT an official DDC function, but I have been asked to
forward it to a mailing list for the club by the committe to re-elect Sheila
Allen to the Davis School Board. Sheila Allen is a long time DDC member,
has attended and volunteered at our events and was enthusiastically endorsed
by the Davis Democratic Club Board at our August 2010 board meeting. This
is being sent only to the DDC list with our most active club and community
Sheila Allens Back to School Celebration
The community is invited to celebrate a new school year while supporting
Sheila Allens re-election campaign for the Davis School Board on Monday,
September 13 from 5:30 7:30. Former California Superintendent of Public
Instruction, Delaine Eastin, hosts the event at 4228 Dogwood Place in south
Davis. Local artisan food will be served by members of the Davis Farm to
School Connection and entertainment will be provided by DJUSD music
students. Donations of any amount will be gladly accepted. Trustee Allen
would also appreciate your assistance in recognizing the Davis Bridge
Foundation by bringing school supplies for the foundation's after school
tutoring program (e.g.: #2 pencils, paper, erasers, markers, colored
pencils, index cards, printer paper, construction paper). For more
information, to contribute, or to RSVP see the website at
www.sheilaallen.org, Facebook page Sheila Allen for School Board, email
sheilaschoolboard at yahoo.com or call 530-400-3471.
G Richard Yamagata PhD
CEO/President VME Inc. http://www.vme.net/ http://vme.net/bcards/bio.html
Phone: 530-VIV-VMEI or 530-848-8634
G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of
Directors, Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democratic
Club, President of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc,
Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of the Davis Progressive Business
Exchange and communications liason and board member for the Business
Link of Woodland and Davis.
For public service to the Democratic Party of Yolo County,
Recipient of the 2007 Williamson-Wier Award
========================== The Virtual Markets =================================
Davis Virtual Market - http://virtual-markets.net/vme/
Fresno - http://vme.net/fvm/ Reedley - http://vme.net/rvm/
Sacramento - http://virtual-markets.com/svm/ Vacaville - http://vme.net/vvm/
Woodland - http://vme.net/wvm/
"Pet, Vets, You, and Dr.Sue - http://vme.net/dvm/DrSue/
The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions
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