[Davis Democrats] FW: Urgent poll on the public option-from U.S. Senate majority whip Dick Durbin

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Wed Oct 28 09:29:16 PDT 2009

------ Forwarded Message
From: Dick Durbin <info at dickdurbin.com>
Reply-To: <notice-reply-8kuebs391j3e56wk at ga3.org>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 15:09:49 GMT
To: John Chendo <jac07 at dcn.org>
Subject: Urgent poll on the public option

  Dear John, 
Click here to take the poll!
opoll> The tide is shifting our way.

You joined over 100,000 Americans to support a public option at
CitizensForAPublicOption.com. Thanks to the tireless efforts of activists
like you we've seen a tremendous shift in the health care reform debate. On
Monday, Majority Leader Harry Reid introduced the merged Senate health care
bill -- a bill that includes a public option.

The question is no longer if we will have some sort of public option in the
final health care reform bill, but instead what form it will take.

There are several interpretations of what a public option should look like,
and I'd like to share the preferences of the American people with my
colleagues in the Senate. But I must do so before the final health care
reform bill comes to a vote on the Senate floor in the coming weeks.

Please rank your preferences for what form the public option should take in
the final bill at: 


I believe that a robust public option must give more Americans more choice
on day one. But some of my colleagues would be content with a public plan
that only kicked in if insurance companies continued to raise premiums at an
unreasonable rate -- the so-called "trigger." Others would prefer a more
limited public option, requiring state governments to "opt-in" to
participate in the program.

I am "whip counting" the votes in favor of all of these in the Senate, and
we're very, very close to reaching the 60 votes we need to pass a robust
form of the public option -- one that provides more coverage to more people
by requiring states to "opt out" if they don't want to participate. That's
exactly how Medicare and Medicaid work, and all 50 states participate in
those popular programs.

Ultimately my colleagues need to know what their constituents think a robust
"public option" really means -- and what it doesn't.

Read up on the various interpretations of a public option now under
consideration, and tell me -- and my colleagues -- where you stand.


Virtually every poll now shows most people support a robust public option to
expand health insurance choice and offer coverage to more Americans. And the
American people will not settle for a "public option" in name only.

Neither will I. 

Let's tell Congress what precisely we want and expect to see in the final
health care reform bill that President Obama signs into law.

Thank you for taking my poll
opoll> . 


Dick Durbin
U.S. Senator

Visit DickDurbin.com <http://ga3.org/ct/vpx8Rk41VU1y/home>  | Take the Poll
Paid for by Friends of Dick Durbin
101 West Grand Ave. #200
Chicago, IL 60610  


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