[Davis Democrats] Changes to e-mailing lists!

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Fri Mar 20 02:05:14 PDT 2009

Dear Davis Democratic Club Member or interested Progressive,

This e-mail announcement is about a documentary film and protest against
Rush Limbaugh and his "hate radio" program.  Rush Limbaugh is being
criticized by both the Right and the Left as to being the head of a rightist
cult.  Rush Limbaugh had his start in Sacramento on KFBK, so this
documentary is being premiered in his "adopted hometown."  I am hoping to
make this event at the Crest Theater in Sacramento.  

This is not an event of the Davis Democratic Club, so it is being sent
through this Democratic list for these kind of events and announcements.
Also, it is the view of some of the DDC Board that this event only will make
Rush Limbaugh that much more popular and strengthen the resolve of his
listening audience.  I for one am fed up with hearing his rhetoric of hate
over the airways and think that it is time for people to start speaking out
against him.  He was the first and there are more and more conservative talk
show hosts on the airwaves that preach more of a message of hate and
intollerance and disunity in this time of severe economic upheaval.  Let us
not kid ourselves.  We are in a depression.  We need government social
programs to help the growing number of unemployed and their dependents.

Access Sacramento and Sacramento Media Group, and CA. Common Cause,
in association with the Sacramento International Film Festival, present the 
West Coast Premiere of the Public Interest Pictures film

Sunday - March 22, 2009 Screening 2:00pm

Clear Channel neglects its emergency system, disaster strikes, and people
die.  Pentagon pundits profit from the same war they promote.  Fox News gets
a court ruling that news does not have to be true.  And radio talkers rule.

Media Policy is killing people in this country. Literally. And it is harming
our democracy, too.  Corporate financed policymakers have stacked the media
policy deck against We the People. 

Until now. We the People are taking the media back.

Written, Directed & Produced by 
Emmy Award winner Sue Wilson        
Executive Producers, Earl Katz & Marcos Barron

      Crest Theatre  - 1013 K Street    Sacramento 
       Film Tickets: $10 		Students: $5
           at box office or www.tickets.com 
             Info:  916 456 8600  or  916 443 1792 ext. 11

Pre-Screening Party 	  Noon - 1:30pm   $20
Film Maker Sue Wilson @ Crest Café - next to Theater RSVP & Info: 916 456
8600 ext. 0


Proceeds to benefit Access Sacramento, CA. Common Cause and Sacramento Media

e-mail from Harry Cowan:

Our documentary film premiers this Sunday, March 22nd at the Crest Theater
in Sacramento.  At 1:30 we will protest Rush Limbaugh and hate radio.      
Sue Wilson, the producer, wrote an opinion piece in the Sacramento Bee on
the demise of progressive talk radio in Sacramento and all over the country.
Rush read the article on his show.

PLEASE GO TO broadcastblues.tv to see a preview of the film and Rush's
response to Sue's article.  We need to make this protest a news event.  With
your help we can get some support there and force the media to cover it and
Rush to respond to it. Sue will be challenging Rush to a debate.
Sue is also on Capital Public Radio today at 2:30 PM on Insight.
Thank you
Harry Cowan
cell 916-812-9002

Take care,
G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/   http://vme.net/bcards/bio.html
Phone: 530-VIV-VMEI or 530-848-8634

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democratic 
Club, President of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, 
Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of the Davis Progressive Business 
Exchange and communications liason and board member for the Business 
Link of Woodland and Davis.

For public service to the Democratic Party of Yolo County, 
Recipient of the 2007 Williamson-Wier Award

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at:  http://www.vme.net/opera/
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The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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