[Davis Democrats] DDC Board Meeting Minutes for June 10, 2008

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Mon Jul 7 13:33:38 PDT 2008

If you have corrections please submit them to yamagata at virtual-markets.net.

               Davis Democratic Club Meeting Minutes 
                Tuesday, June 10, 7 pm - 9 pm 
          Place:  Blanchard Room
                  Davis Branch, Yolo County Library in Davis.
                  315 East 14th Street.

This meeting was held at 
Place: Blanchard Room, Davis Branch, Yolo County Library in Davis, 315 East
14th Street.
Present (10 board members total present -- 10 votes present -- We had a
quorum) were:
President: Arun Sen,
Vice President: Mike Syvanen
Treasurer: Betty Weir
Recording Secretary: G Richard Yamagata
Corresponding Secretary: Vacant
Membership Committee Chair: Carl Schmid
Publicity: Absent Barbara Slemmons

Acting Past President: Bob Bockwinkel, Past-Past President and Newsletter
Acting Newsletter Editor:  Absent Bill Ritter 
Scheduling Committee Chair: Vacant 
By-Laws Committee Chair: Jim Provenza
Board members: Lyle Smith, Rick Gonzales, and Adrienne Kandel, with Absent
Pam Nieberg and Absent Barry Wilson.
Ex-Officio Members of the Board: Absent
                10 of 14 were present and
                A Total of 14 active board members on the rolls.
After this meeting there are now 16 active board members with 9 board
members required for a Quorum.  With Barbara Slemmons on medical emergency
leave, the quorum requirement is 8 board members at future meetings.

Guests:  7 Guests were present before the meeting.  There were 5 guests
afterwards with 2 of them added to the DDC Board.

Absent: Barbara Slemmons (2), Bill Ritter, Pam Nieberg and Barry Wilson. --
(number indicates how many meeting is a row have been missed.  Excused
medical absences are not counted towards a quorum.  Barbara Slemmons was
excused due to a long term medical emergency in her family.)  There have
been 4 meetings since the elections this year.  By-laws state that board
member cannot miss 3 meetings in a row or 3 out of 5 meetings in a five
month period (meaning you cannot just come to every other meeting and still
remain on the board).  Absences can be excused by the President, but
non-medical emergencies are counted against the quorum requirements.   
TOTAL:  10 of 14 Board Members were present.
Arun Sen called the meeting into session at 7:05 PM.  

The agenda was approved MSB with no objection.

The minutes presented by the Recording Secretary, G Richard Yamagata.  Carl
Schmid asked that the vote on the minutes be deferred to a future meeting.

Carl Schmid made the motion that the minutes be adjusted and voted upon at a
future board meeting.  The motion was passed MSB by the President with no
objection by the Recording Secretary.  

Betty Weir was present and made the following report.  At the beginning of
June the club had $4912.18 in the bank.

For the month of May, the following was the state of our treasury:


Newsletter        $442.18 (includes printing and postage)

May 1 Balance: $5,648 + $12,458.32 CD = $17,823.32 Grand Total

The expenses were postage, $63.98, and copy shop charges, $378.20, for a
total of $442.16 in cost for May Newsletter.

Adrienne Kandel asked who was on the signature card at the bank and can
withdraw money and sign checks.  Betty stated that she and Arun are on the
bank account.

Betty Wier and Carl Schmid had a chance to meet.  Carl presented the club
budget for the rest of the year (which we have sufficient funds to complete)
and a preliminary budget for the Davis campaign headquarters (which we do
not as of yet have enough funds to complete, though we are close).  [This
budget outline will be published in next month's minutes, because numbers
have been found and filled in and it is more complete as presented in July
than in June.  June was a preliminary exercise to start from to get a better
grasp of the amount of money we have and what we need to open a campaign
headquarters and accomplish the goal of electing all Democrats to office to
represent Yolo County, both locally and Federally.]

All but 80 households have not yet renewed their membership for this year.
Carl Schmid is hoping for $2000 more to come in from these households.  It
could be more.

The dates for the fair booth are August 13 through 17.

President Arun Sen contacted Vice Chair of the Yolo Central Committee Bob
Schelen about the booth at the fair.  More on this later.

The club board is still looking for a location. 

The projected expenses are for:
Headquarters Rent
Ad in Enterprise
Paid Staff Member at each headquarters

There was a discussion as to whether or not the print ad in the Davis
Enterprise was really cost effective.  Lyle Smith said the money would be
better spent on more phones and a better copier.  Last campaign cycle the
"free" copier kept breaking down and cost the headquarters hundreds of
dollars.  This will be further discussed and has yet to be determined as to
whether or not we need the "big ad" in the Davis Enterprise.  [Note: in the
past Betty Wier has telephoned individuals about having their name printed
in the ad and raised additional money from the people supporting the ad.
Some people on the board have received her phone call and donated more money
towards the ad.]

Bill Julian commented that with the passage of McCain-Feingold, the
complexity in reporting of donations has increased many fold.  Money spent
on the Federal elections must be compliant with the M-F Act.  The Davis
Democratic Club is a collection of small, individual contributions.  The
club needs to coordinate with the Central Committee to be compliant.  Bill
stated that he recommends that the club should not a lot of money without
coordinating with the Yolo County Central Committee.  There have been
complaints lodged against Yolo County Democratic organizations in the past
about spending irregularities.  Bill thinks that we should not be worrying
about these allegations, but warned that we need to be on the watch in the

Arun Sen asked that Bill Julian attend the Yolo County Central Committee
meeting to coordinate between the Democratic Club and the Central Committee.

Where was a question about how much phone service cost for the last
presidential election.  For the gubernatorial race, there was no land line
costs.  We did purchase celphones.  Betty said that she will look at phone
records from 4 years ago and resolve what our costs were.

Membership in the club was discussed again and it was stated that 80 people
still have not renewed this year, which should bring in a minimum of $2000.
Betty is hoping for $3600.

There are limits on how much the club can spend on any one candidate.  

Adrienne asked if it is better for individuals to give to the headquarters,
not to the club?

Bill Julian stated that as long as the money is Federally Compliant, the
money can be raised and spent by the club.  The Davis Democratic Club can
rent the headquarters facility and charge rent to Lois Wolk (State Senate
race), Mariko Yamada (State Assembly race), and the Obama campaigns.  If we
do not do this, but instead write that this is an in-kind donation to those
campaigns, it would not be Federally compliant if they use our headquarters.  

Bob Bockwinkel stated that the board is lucky to have the input available
from Bill Julian.  He knows as much or more than anyone in the county about
campaign finance laws.


The Champagne Brunch is scheduled for June 29th from 11AM to 2PM at the home
of Bill Julian.  Invitations for the event went out.  The keynote speaker
still has to be worked out.  Jim Provenza is trying to secure Deborah Bowen.
People that are slated to speak are Assembly candidate and 4th Supervisor
Mariko Yamada, 4th Supervisor Elect Jim Provenza, and 8th Assembly
representative Lois Wolk.  At this point in time, Greg, the statewide Obama
campaign coordinator and Katie the local area regional campaign coordinators
have been asked to speak.  President Arun Sen is waiting to hear from Katie.
[Actual speakers were: Keynote speakers Kim Mack, the Northern California
coordinator for Senator Barack Obama for President campaign and Alexandra
Gallarda-Rooker, the first vice-chair of California Democratic Party, our
8th Assembly Person Lois Wolk (who is running for State Senate), our 4th
Yolo County Supervisor Mariko Yamada (who is running for Assembly), 4th
Supervisor Elect Jim Provenza, Davis City Mayor Pro-Tem Don Saylor, and
Davis City Council Stephen Souza.]

Arun Sen stated that he was told that Jerry Brown is not in campaign mode
and is not available to speak. 

Bill Julian stated that he was trying to contact Maurice Jones for Alex
Roooker, the 1st Vice Chair of the State Democratic Party.  

Mike Syvanen stated that he will contact people and coordinate with Rick
Gonzales to arrange food items from the board for this event.  [Rick
Gonzales did a lot of work for coordinating the food and it must be noted
that Helen Thomson and Stephen Souza also contributed food and resources for
this event.  They are club members and not on the board.]

Bill Julian has arranged for live music at this event!  This will be the
first time we have had live entertainment at a Champagne Brunch.  

It was specifically noted that last time, the club ran out of champagne
glasses and plates.  It was stated that we need to get more of these items
and make sure we have plates, napkins and plasticware (spoons and forks).  


We will be sharing the booth with the Obama for President campaign people.
The Obama people will have a monopoly on selling Obama pins and bumper
stickers.  Bill Ritter is coordinating the other campaigns to have materials
at the booth.  

Carl Schmid put out a list of what was needed and another list for volunteer
staffing time slots.  The booth will sign up new members for the Davis
Democratic Club, sign up voluteers for the campaigns and campaign
headquarters, and register Democrats.  We will also be distributing
materials for all of the Democratic candidates running in November.  The
booth will be only information material.  There will be no selling of food
or beverages.

Lyle Smith reported that most of the traffic to the booth in past years has
been between 6PM until 9PM, when the fireworks display begins.  Lyle will
send a report he received about foot traffic to the 4th of July booths to Carl.

The booth set-up scheduled for 1PM.  We will start staffing the booth and
having electeds and candidates start showing up at 4:30PM.  It was said that
at 8:15 it is too dark to be at the booth without lights.  Greg Gibbs of the
Obama campaign will be contacted to find out if they were willing to string
lights to keep the booth open until 9PM.  Otherwise, we will shut down the
booth at 8PM.  

The booth will be decorated with balloons by Luba Schmid.  [We also will
have Dill-Dally the Clown at the booth, making balloon animals.  She usually
charges for doing this.  Arun Sen secured her for this event at no cost to
the Davis Democratic Club.]

The club has heard from Jim Provenza, Lois Wold and Mariko Yamada and they
will be given 30 minute slots to be at the booth to meet with the public.
John Ferrara was scheduled to be at the booth before the election.  We have
not heard from him, but it is assumed that he will not be coming for his
half hour slot at the booth.  There was a point of information, all
candidates that are going to be greeting the public should have their
materials at the booth.  

The question was asked, who gets the speakers for this event.  It was stated
that the by-laws of the club clearly says that securing of speakers is the
job of the Vice President of the Club.  Mike Syvanen stated that he has been
in contact with Mike Thompson's office and McNierney office.  He also has
been talking with Eli Fairclough of Mike Thompson's office and she said that
she would ask McNierney's office if he is available if Mike Thompson cannot
come speak.  

The question was asked about what is happening with the food and the
committee for this event.  Mike stated that we should have tables and chairs
for 40 people.  Last year, we had 100 people show up, but no one used the
tables and chairs.  Greg had a large set-up under the pop-up tent, but the
tables were all empty.  

Adrienne Kandel proposed that before people leave, they sign the food
sign-up list as to what they will be bringing.  Rick Gonzales had previously
volunteered to coordinate the food.  Adrienne also asked that someone help
Betty at the door, so that she gets to hear the speakers.  In the past it
has only been Betty Wier at the front door table.  [This year Betty was
helped by Luba Schmid that the front table and that went very well.]
Adrienne also volunteered to go to Costco and purchase for the club plastic
plates, plastic utensils, and napkins.  

Adrienne also mentioned that in the past the kitchen crew was overworked.
Rick Gonzales volunteered to work with the kitchen crew and make sure that
there are enough people working and that no one feels over burdened by the

Bob Bockwinkel stated that people will bring chairs if asked.  Arun Sen
stated that he contact Stephen Souza about the club chairs, to find out what
happened to them.  Bob stated that he will get the champagne from Valley Winery.

Bill Julian, Mike Syvanen and Rich Gonzales will all work together.  Mike
leaves for London on the 29th of June in the morning.  

The club will be working with the Yolo County Central Committee.  The dates
for the County Fair are August 13, 14, 15 and 16, Wednesday through Sunday.
Arun will contact Bob Schelen and coordinate.  The club has purchased a
double booth, paying for half of it with the Yolo County Central Committee.
We will know our selected date by the August Board meeting and can start
scheduling our day ro days at the booth after August.

The ice cream social is scheduled for August 21st.  We will discuss this
more at the August Board meeting, closer to the event.

Bill Julian is being considered for board membership.  It was discussed and
said that he has attended past meetings and this is his second meeting.  We
will vote on his membership.

The motion was made to accept Bill Julian to the Board by Bob Bockwinkel.
It was seconded by Betty Wier and Carl Schmid.  Bill was elected to the
board without discussion.

Sydney Vergis has attended 2 meetings and is being considered for Newsletter

Bob Bockwinkel made the motion to elect Sydney Vargis as a member of the
board. Carl Schmid seconded this motion.

Lyle Smith asked the question that came up during the Davis City Council
campaign, "will you [Sydney] support a Republican over a Democrat in any

Lyle went on to explain why he was concerned.  Lyle stated that Republicans,
once they get elected, it gets them to run for higher office.  Republicans
have planks in their campaign platforms that are anti-Democrat.  Lyle also
stated that there is no such thing as a non-partisan election.  Once
Republicans get elected to lower offices, they run for higher office.  With
the support they may have garnered in the non-partisan elections, they can
be serious more threats to Democratic candidates in partisan elections than
someone that is unknown [and did not have the experience of serving in a
non-partisan elected position].

Sydney stated that she believes that people should have choice in elections
and be free to vote for who they believe will do the better job in office.

Lyle brought up other examples of problems that occur when we elect
Republicans to office.  The most glaring to Lyle is that we cannot pass a
budget in the State of California.  

President Arun stated that are considering Sydney not only for the board,
but as newsletter editor.  What happened in the past is the past.  Sydney
would be starting anew in her new position.

Lyle went on to tell about a Democrat that switched parties and did all
kinds of damage to the Democratic Party and Democratic positions.  

Carl Schmid then asked Sydney, what was she going to be doing or expected to
accomplish as Newsletter Editor.  

Lyle stated regardless of what she believes the charter of the Davis
Democratic Club is to elect Democrats to office [If the Davis Democratic
Club does not do this, its charter can be revoked by the Yolo County
Democratic Central Committee and the State Democratic Party.].

Sydney stated that she hoped to develop the newsletter as a way for multiple
clubs to learn about each others activities and bring people to each other
clubs events.  

Bob Bockwinkel stated that Sydney was not going to support a Creationist.
Carl Schmid further stated that no one [including Sydney] in the room was
going to make a tactical mistake in a political campaign.  Bob stated that
Sydney was needed to bring the young people of Davis into the Davis
Democratic Club.

Mike Syvanen stated that Lyle brings up an important point for the club.  In
the past election for Yolo County DA, a non-partisan position, there were
Democrats that supported Risek.  It was discussed and generally agreed at
passed Davis Democratic Club meetings that the DDC Board would never support
the Democrats that supported a Republican and those Democrats would never
receive the endorsement of the DDC Board.  

Lyle Smith stated that we should not want such Democrats on the DDC Board or
in places or responsibility for the Democratic Party.  Lyle Smith brought up
examples of Democrats that supported Risek for DA that occupy elected
non-partisan positions in Yolo County and on the City Council.  

Adrienne stated that she has voted for Independents and Greens for local
non-partisan offices.  She wants to hear more about Sydney's position on the
State budget and social and environmental problems.  Adrienne also stated
that her litmus test is position on Unions.  

Sydney stated that she is strongly in favor of unions and would be hard
pressed not to vote for a Democrat supported by a union.  

Lyle Smith stated that "Democratic action starts at the grass roots level.
There is no such thing as a non-partisan election.  We need to bring people
up and groom them for higher office. Two years ago we lost this chance when
[Republican] Jeff Risek defeated [Democrat] Pat Lenzi.  Better Democrats go
on to higher office."

Sydney stated that she has Democratic values which guide her in her
selection of candidates with similar values.  She also stated that she has
serious Democratic credentials.  She was received by the California State
Democratic Party for her stand on reproductive issues.  "If my position [and
views] was acceptible to Central Committee, why should it be in question

At this point Carl Schmid called the question and asked for a vote.  

Arun Sen called for a voice vote.  There were yahs and no nays.  The motion
carried to make Sydney Vergis a member fo the Davis Democratic Club Board of

The Yolo County Central Committee has the position of Executive Director
with the job description, the Executive Director will promote, coordinate
and help the campaigns of all Democratic Candidates in Yolo County.  The job
also states that the Executive Director will identify people that are
willing to come forward and volunteer to work in Democratic Campaigns in
Yolo County.  

Our region turns out more voters than any other.  We have made substantial
gains for the Democratic Party in this region.  We have over 80% voter turn
out.  The goal is to turn out extra voters, that vote Democrat for Obama,
Lois, and Mariko to counteract other regions that vote Republican in
November.  We need to put together a team that can register more Democrats
in Davis and Yolo County.  This team would work with the Democratic Party
voter registration bounty program and they would use the bounty program
authorized registration forms to track the registrations so that the Yolo
County Central Committee would receive the revenue from this voter
registration effort.

Claire than explained how the use of databases have revolutionalized and
reinvigorated campaigns across the country.  This is at the neighorhood
level where databases help mobilize volunteers for campaigns.  The use of a
computer, they have found, is best to get people of school age to volunteer
for all levels of activity from the use of the on-line database to
contacting people to mobilize.  The Obama campaign was able to reach America
across democraphic lines and build presence across the country.  We are just
riding on the Obama campaign coat tails into November.  

Claire went on to explain how maintaining a database has always been
challenging.  She explained how a database tool was developed on-line and a
voter activation network was created and used for the Obama campaign.  This
database has been made available for the California Democratic Party and can
be used at no cost by the Yolo Democratic Central Committee and Yolo United.
The database can be maintained after the election.  People are saying that
it is a very powerful tool.  

Claire went on to explain that Davis Democratic Club has precinct leaders
and if these people can be rolled into art of on-line database management,
this would have Davis covered and mobilized for this coming November
Election.  Claire stated that the Woodland Democratic club is using this
database program and has suspended itself until the November Election.  This
is so that the Woodland Club can throw its organization and membership into
the sole goal of electing Obama in November.  Leslie Marcus is the person in
charge of the Woodland Democratic Headquarters.  

Yolo United has something to offer the Davis Democratic Club.  Using the
database, Claire stated that the club could grow if it helped develop the
database and get 1000 volunteers to sign up and work for Democratic values
and ideals.  We could have a explosion in membership numbers after November.

Carl stated that the issue confronting us is where will the campaign
headquarters open in Davis.  Carl passed out a buget outlining what has been
spent at the campaign headquarters in the past.  If we can get a handle on
the budget, this can lead to growth as we channel our financial resources to
direct the clubs way to success in November.  

The treasurer is Bill Julian, newest Davis Democratic Club boardmember.  The
Central Committee currently has $6500 in the bank.  The central committee
will help the local clubs open headquarters and Bill expects the
headquarters to be the launching pad for all of the campaigns.  He expects
contributions from all of the participants to open the headquarters.  Carl,
Bill and Bob will get together and develop a budget for the Davis
Headquarters to get it up and running and funded through the entire election
cycle until November.  

Betty Wier stated that the DDC has never received money from the County
Central Committee to fund the Davis Headquarters.  We have received money
from the various candidate campaigns.  It was asked, what can the club
expect to receive from Mariko and Mike Thompson?  

President Arun Sen stated that he wanted Carl, Bill Julian, Bob Bockwinkel
and Betty Wier to work together on the budget.

Adrienne stated that this is an election where you spend the money to bring
in the people enthusiastic for Obama.  People will come to the headquarters,
because they are excited about Obama.  

Bill Julian then went into an indepth, detailed explaination of how to
organize and how to use a campaign headquarters and what can be done with
the headquarters.  Basically, organize, phone, drive people to meeting
places, collaborate, gather collective abilities, etc to work for electing
Democrats to office.  

President Arun Sen concluded this discussion by asking Carl to bring a more
fleshed out budget for the campaign headquarters. [Unspoken was that Carl
and others would be looking for a campaign headquarters.]

Arun Sen placed the name of Sydney Vergis before the board as newsletter

Jim Provenza made the motion to make Sydney newsletter editor.  Bob
Bockwinkel seconded the motion.  

Jim Provenza welcomed Sydney to the board and said that he knew that she
would do a fine job as newsletter editor.  Bob stated that she hoped that
the newsletter can go on-line, because we receive about 10,000 hits per
month during an election cycle.  

There was discussion that Sydney needed software to create the newsletter.
It was stated that the club purchased software for the newsletter in the
past in 2006 and that software has been passed on to the newsletter editors.
Arun stated that he will send a letter to Bill Ritter and Cecelia Greenwald
asking for copies of this software be given to Sydney.  

Lyle Smith stated that may not be necessary, because he may have copies of
the software.  

Adrienne Kandel then requested the board get back to the question of
electing Sydney.  

Adrienne called the question.  The board voted on whether or not it wanted
Sydney Vergis to become the next newsletter editor.  The vote was unanimous.  

President Arun Sen asked that the board members send information for Sydney
to work into the newsletter.

There was discussion by G Richard Yamagata that the fundraising committee
and search for its chair be removed from the agenda.  It has been over 2
years since the board asked to have this committee started and no one has
come forward to fill that committee.  Also, it was Richard's opinion that a
fundraising committee is redundant, since the club already has monthly
fundraisers that are general membership meetings and club functions.  It was
generally agreed that there is no interest in pursuing this committee.

G Richard Yamagata stated that Barry Wilson had spoken to him about interest
in pursuing this committee for club activities for the betterment of the
community of Davis.  Barry Wilson had some ideas that he wanted to pursue.
President Arun Sen stated that he wanted to hear more about this at the next

President Arun Sen formally thanked Bill Ritter, Cecelia Escamelia-Greenwald
and David Greenwald for their work on the newsletter.  Bill Ritter promised
to continue working on the newsletter until Arun's term ended at the end of
January 2008.  Arun asked bill to continue for a few more months and Bill
stated that if Arun really needed him to continue, he would continue until
the end of April/May 2008.  Arun gave his deep thanks to Bill Ritter for
continuing beyond the date that he said he could comfortably edit the
newsletter.  He asked for and received a round of applause for Bill Ritter
from the board at this meeting.

Carl Schmid also thanked Bill Ritter for his work on the newsletter.  

Another set of kudos went from Bob Bockwinkel to Rick Gonzales, Carl Schmid
and Pam Nieberg for their work to get the DDC paid membership above 300 paid
members.  Bob hopes to see the club above 400 paid members by the end of 2008.

G Richard Yamagata asked for another set of kudos for Arun Sen, for his hard
work at searching and finding another newsletter editor for the club.  

There was no public comment.  Our two remaining guests both said that they
just came to observe.  They were Ida Bryant and a Mr Millikan.

The Woodland Democratic Club is on hiatus until after the November election.
This was decided by that club's President Leslie Marcus.  

It was reported that the club members were going to a training event on June 12.

They were concentrating on voter registration.

UCDAVIS Campus Democrats
The vice president was going to a Obama organizational meeting.  The UCDavis
campus Democrats was chosen Chapter of the Year by the State Democratic
Party.  A short summary of all of the activities done by the campus club was
given to list why this honor was given to the campus organization.  The
campus club expects to continue its hard work for Obama, Wolk and Mariko in
the weeks leading up to the November election.

It was noted that the imediate past president from the High School Dems was
now working with the UCDavis College Dems as he was attending UCDavis this

There was no May meeting.

Jim Provenza asked for the meeting to be adjourned, having completed the
agenda for the evening with 5 minutes remaining, before the library expelled
us from the facility.

Arun Sen adjourned the meeting at 8:55PM.

These Minutes for June, 10 2008 are respectively submitted,
G Richard Yamagata
G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/   http://vme.net/bcards/bio.html
Phone: 530-VIV-VMEI or 530-848-8634

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democratic 
Club, President of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, 
Secretary-Treasurer of the board of the Davis Progressive Business 
Exchange and communications liason for the Independent Order of 
Odd Fellows Chapter 169 and the Business Link of Woodland and Davis.

For public service to the Democratic Party of Yolo County, 
Recipient of the 2007 Williamson-Weir Award

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at:  http://www.vme.net/opera/
Davis Virtual Market - http://virtual-markets.net/vme/
Fresno - http://vme.net/fvm/   Reedley - http://vme.net/rvm/  
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The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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