[Davis Democrats] Stop War with Iran now! from Gen. Wes Clark

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Fri Sep 7 09:53:21 PDT 2007

Dear Friend,

All Americans want to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons
and interfering on the ground inside Iraq. Yet President Bush's
saber rattling give the US little additional leverage to engage
and dissuade Iran, and, more than likely, simply accelerate a
dangerous slide into war. The United States can do better than

Whatever the pace of Iran's nuclear efforts, in the give and
take of the Administration's rhetoric and accusations, we are
approaching the last moments to head off looming conflict.
Cannot the world's most powerful nation deign speak to the
resentful and scheming regional power that is Iran? Can we not
speak of the interests of others, work to establish a sustained
dialogue, and seek to benefit the people of Iran and the region?
Could not such a dialogue, properly conducted, begin a process
that could, over time, help realign hardened attitudes and
polarizing views within the region? And isn't it easier to
undertake such a dialogue now, before more die, and more martyrs
are created to feed extremist passions?

Please join General Wes Clark, the Iraq War veterans at
VoteVets.org, and me and sign the petition to President Bush
today. Urge him to work with our allies and use every
diplomatic, political, and economic option at our disposal to
deal with Iran. War is not the answer.

Visit StopIranWar.com today!


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