[Davis Democrats] About this e-mail list
G Richard Yamagata PhD
yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Thu Jun 14 15:49:52 PDT 2007
Greetings All,
I have been receiving various complaints about postings to this list.
The people with access to posting to this list are board members of the
Davis Democratic Club. All other posts are incinerated at the server and no
one sees any unauthorized e-mail. It is best to hit reply and send an
e-mail directly to the poster to get a response. If you do not hear
anything, telephone G Richard Yamagata at 530-848-8634 and I will try to
resovle your issue.
John Chendo is the club's public announcement person. Send things you want
posted to him or to me at yamagata at dcn.org. Again, if you do not hear from
me or see a post, please telephone me. We only publish items that are
related to Democratic Party or Club Activities.
There have been some complaints about non-club event or non-Democratic Party
related posts by some of our board members, and that is currently under
discussion. If you want to complain about posts, send complaints to
yamagata at dcn.org or to bubusen at hotmail.com
Thank you for your attention and we hope to continue to make this list a
useful one for the Democrats of Davis.
G Richard Yamagata PhD
CEO/President VME Inc. http://www.vme.net/
G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of
Directors, Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democratic
Club, President of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc,
Secretary-Treasurer of the board of the Davis Progressive Business
Exchange and communications liason for the Independent Order of
Oddfellows Chapter 169 and the Business Link of Woodland and Davis.
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The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions
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