[Davis Democrats] You did it again! Sen.Dodd(D-CT) threatens filibuster--no immunity for spying

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Mon Dec 17 19:02:54 PST 2007

------ Forwarded Message
From: "Charles Chamberlain, Democracy for America"
<info at democracyforamerica.com>
Reply-To: <notice-reply-i7unn5s4v6kw7nx at ga1.org>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 02:14:10 GMT
To: John Chendo <jac07 at dcn.org>
Subject:  You did it again.

  You did it! Minutes ago, Senator Reid pulled the FISA bill from the Senate
floor. Since Friday at noon, you made 2,443 reported calls to Senator Reid
demanding he stop this bill. All weekend internet blogs, like Firedoglake
and DailyKos, kept it in the news cycle. >From the ACLU to the Courage
Campaign, progressives took action. And today, Senator Dodd threatened to
filibuster. Together, we won. Today is a victory. Contribute $15 right now
to keep up the fight. http://www.DemocracyforAmerica.com/contribute
<http://ga1.org/ct/tpM1G091gaCT/> Tonight, we celebrate. Tomorrow, we get
back to work. -Charles

Senator Harry Reid

I do not support any bill that includes retroactive immunity for
telecommunication companies who helped the Bush Administration spy on
Americans. I'm counting on Senator Reid to stand up to President Bush and
for the Constitution."

Senator Reid did withdraw the bill that would have let ATT and other big
companies off the hook for violating laws against spying.

Thank you for everything you do.


Charles Chamberlain
Political Director




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