[Davis Democrats] Mel Trujillo

Eileen Lindsay eileenlindsay at comcast.net
Mon Apr 16 11:39:52 PDT 2007

I would welcome an article about Mel's work for the Davis Democratic Club
for the May newsletter. The only submissions we have for the May newsletter
are the donors, treasurer's report and the ads. We need articles, photos and
information about what the club is doing, so please send them in as soon as
possible.  I will not be able to write for this issue.

I have been appointed as Senior Pastor of Walnut Creek First United
Methodist Church beginning July 1, so I must give up being editor of the
Davis Democratic News.  Any club member who is interested in this position
is welcome to talk to me about it, 757-1673.  The Newsletter Editor is an
officer of the club and requires election by the board. 

Eileen H. Lindsay

-----Original Message-----
From: davisdemocrats-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
[mailto:davisdemocrats-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of
Rhonda & Anthony Gruska
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2007 12:52 AM
To: DDC; e-ioof-members at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
Subject: [Davis Democrats] Mel Trujillo

  Mel Trujillo passed away at about 9pm on Friday, April 13th.  He died of
cancer and the good news is that he did not suffer.  He was surrounded by
his loving wife and family and received many phone calls, visits and cards
from his friends during his short stay in the hospital. He mentioned shortly
before he passed that he hoped he would not have to stay in the hospital
long or he would surely die of boredom. Classic Mel, always wanting to stay
busy and willing to contribute up to the end.  He was such a brilliant,
wonderful man. We are blessed to have known him.
  I will keep you posted about plans for his memorial. I will also let you
know how you can best assist Joyce and the family.  Right now they need some
rest and time to process everything, as this all happened pretty quickly. 

Rhonda and Tony Gruska 
Monticello Bistro 
5 East Main St. 
Winters, CA 95694 
(530) 792-8066
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DavisDemocrats at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us

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