[Davis Democrats] November 14 Board Minutes

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Fri Nov 24 21:34:29 PST 2006

These excellent minutes were provided by Luba Schmid.
The next meeting is listed as Tuesday, December 12 and may or may not take

Davis Democratic Club Minutes
Tuesday, November 14, 7 – 9 p.m.
Place: Davis Branch, Yolo County Library
Conference Room
315 East 14th Street

This meeting was held at the Davis Branch, Yolo County Library Conference 
Room at 315 East 14th Street in North Davis.  The following were present:

President: 		 	Arun Sen,
Vice President: 	 	John Chendo
Treasurer: 		 	Betty Weir
Recording Secretary:   	Absent
Corresponding Secretary:	Julia Sanchez
Acting Past President:   	Bob Bockwinkel, Past-Past President & Newsletter 
Newsletter Editor:  		Eileen Lindsay
Publicity: 			Mary Lou Hernandez
Past Publicity:		Barbara Slemmons
Past Vice President:		Kingsley Melton
Special Guest:		Mel Trujillo (Expert on Parlimentary Rules, Ex-Officio)

Board members:  Lyle Smith, Mike Syvanen, Carl Schmid, Joyce Wilson, 
Adrienne Kandel, and Pam Nieberg

Guests:  	Richard Petersen, Luba Schmid, Julia Hunter-Blair, Rick Gonzales, 
Jr., Bill Ritter, Claire Black Slotton, Bill Diemer, and Rita Montes-Martin

TOTAL:  15 board members and 8 members of the public.

Absent from Meeting:  	Past President Tony Gruska, Rhonda Gruska, Tanya 
Chalupa (Ex-Officio), G. Richard Yamagata (Recording Secretary), and Jim 

Arun Sen called the meeting into session at 7:05 p.m.

The agenda was changed by John Chendo and Mike Syvanen by asking for item 
VI.  New and Unfinished Business, including the election of new board 
members, Rich Gonzales and Bill Ritter, be moved to the beginning of the 
meeting under New Business.  Discussion ensued.  The revised agenda was 
approved as corrected.

The acceptance of the minutes of October 10, 2006, as submitted were moved 
and seconded by President Arun Sen. Several members who do not have access 
to email stated they would appreciate getting copies of the minutes. It was 
suggested that one of the board members could help disseminate them to those 
members who do not have email. Discussion followed.  The board passed the 
minutes by acclamation and without any objection.


Woodland Club:  Kingsley Melton reported that there are 14-15 members who 
have been very active during this past campaign.  In the future, they would 
like to work with the Davis Democratic Club.

Yolo County Young Democrats:  Rich Petersen reported that there were very 
few members, and it has disbanded since the recent election.

UCDavis Campus Democrats:  Rich Petersen reported that they were very active 
and were able to register 2,000 new Democrats, some outside of campus and 
the city of Davis.

YCDC:  Bob Bockwinkel and Kingsley Melton reported.  “People power was 
lacking during this election,” according to Melton.  He had to hire walkers 
the last weekend before the election to walk precincts.  For example, the 
following organizations were hired to help:  Sacramento Volleyball League, a 
fraternity, and the UCD Campus Democrats.  The organizations received the 
money – not the individuals.  By supporting the organizations, hopefully 
this will “help develop the leaders of tomorrow.”

President’s Activities for the Club:  Arun Sen spoke about the future 
changes in the by-laws of the Davis Democratic Club, which will be presented 
shortly and then voted on by the membership.  A committee is being formed.  
Mel Trujillo asked for a copy of the present by-laws.

Yolo County Headquarters in Woodland:  Kingsley Melton reported that 
Woodland members worked very diligently when the headquarters first opened; 
however, they wore themselves out before the election.  In the future, they 
will have to pace themselves.


Betty Weir presented the latest figures for the Davis Democratic Club.  As 
of today, there is $864.88 in the treasury.

Expenses totaled $3, 150.31 for the following:  $1,250 for rent for the 
headquarters, $1,199 for Metro PC, $267.02 for office expenses, $255.90 for 
Vote Democrat/Angelides shirts from Ink Monkey Wearable Graphics ($200 were 
sold to date according to Bob Bockwinkel), $135.69 for AT&T, $43.39 for 

The newspaper ads for the November election cost a total of $4,398.76 
(Sunday ad in The Davis Enterprise $2,692.87, Proposition ads $1,106.38 and 
the ad in The Flatlander was $600).

Candidate contributions totaled $10,500 (P. Angelides, $3,000; C. Brown 
$2,000; J. McNerney $2,000; B.  Durston $1,500; D. Bowen $1,000; F. 
Sieferman $1,000).

Income received thus far is $2, 950 (Proposition 87 - $1,000; McNerney - 
$1,000; two individuals – B. Bockwinkel and Supervisor Thomson - $350).

Rich Petersen reported that the “income”money received was used to get out 
the vote and for the newspaper ads.  The t-shirts and buttons helped pay for 
field operations, food, and office supplies such as paper.  Lyle Smith 
reported that the t-shirts helped precinct workers open doors and get votes.


Rich Petersen reported that Betty Weir and Julia Sanchez kept the 
headquarters open.  Many board members walked the precincts, for example, 
Carl Schmid walked two, Julia Hunter-Blair, Mike Syvanen, Eileen Lindsay, 
John Chendo, Lyle Smith walked 7 on his own while Barbara Slemmons called on 
the PAV (permanent absentee voters).  As a result, the preliminary numbers 
showed that 65-75% responded by voting.  Students had approximately an 8% 
turnout   Precinct 6 – Olive Drive – there was only a 25% turnout.  We need 
to focus on them in the future.  Many, including Jim Provenza who also 
brought a refrigerator, supplied food to the headquarters!  He suggested 
that the campaign headquarters should be established much earlier before 
future elections.  In addition, we should continue working with the UCDavis 
Campus Democrats and continue to raise money for the coming 2004 national 

Rich Petersen stated that Board members need to understand the election laws 
in the future because several violations occurred.  FEC and EFP seminars 
will take place this coming summer.  At least two people from the club 
should attend.  On January 1, 2007, the club needs to get an FEC number so 
that we are in compliance.

Discussion ensued.  Bob Bockwinkel suggested becoming more visible in the 
community – perhaps adopting a soup kitchen, participating on 11/18/06 in 
STEAC’s annual food drive.  Eileen Lindsay suggested Wellstone Training who 
sponsors training two years in advance.  Lyle Smith offered to help set it 
up and suggested that the club promoted regionally.


Betty Weir reported that Doug Kaplan offered his home on Bluebird for the 
Democratic Club’s Annual Holiday Party.  Discussion ensued.  It was 
unanimously decided that the party would take place on Friday, December 1 
from 6 to 9 p.m.  Arun Sen stated that board members will bring the food and 
the club will provide the wine (Kaplan preference is white wine because of 
white carpeting!).  Invitations will be sent.  Barbara Slemmons will 
coordinate the food.  Mary Lou Hernandez suggested we have a raffle as in 
the past.  She asked that members donate and wrap a gift that can be raffled 
off.  (In the past, people have donated various items such as bottles of 
wine, pearls, and fancy bowls.)


Discussion ensued regarding the deadlines for future newsletters.  Eileen 
Lindsay, new editor, stated that the deadline is December 10th for the 
January 1, 2007, newsletter. Eileen Lindsay asked the Democratic Club to 
purchase the computer program (Microsoft Publisher) to publish the 
newsletter if one is not available or cannot be shared.  It can then become 
the property of the club.  In addition, she will ask Tanya Chalupa, former 
editor, about the cost.

Arun Sen and board members asked Kingsley Melton and Rich Petersen to 
provide articles about what they reported on the past election.


Upcoming Events:

December – Arun Sen stated that the club will meet only once in December – 
December 1 for the Annual Holiday Party.

January – Arun Sen reported that Tanya Chalupa had offered her home for a 
January party. He stated that she is busy traveling; therefore, the party 
will be postponed.  Discussion ensued about the dates for the Board Meeting 
and the General Membership Meeting. It was agreed that there will be a Board 
Meeting the first Monday in January – January 8th, and a General Membership 
Meeting will take place on the third Thursday in January – January 18th.  
Both are scheduled at the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library.  
Discussion ensued.

February – Valentine’s Day Party – discussion ensued.  Many members did not 
want to attend a party on that day because they want to be with their loved 
ones.  Arun Sen stated that a vote would take place at the next meeting.

Continuation on New Board Members:

Mike Syvanen brought up the names of two prospective board members – Rick 
Gonzales and Bill Ritter.  Arun Sen responded that Rick Gonzales was 
provisionally accepted (he was absent when his application went forward last 
month) while Bill Ritter had not completed the application process (a short 
application form was missing).  In addition, Arun Sen stated that Claire 
Black Slotton had submitted an application for consideration. Gonzales, 
Black Slotton, and Ritter were asked to step out while their applications 
were discussed.  In addition, extensive discussion ensued regarding the size 
of the board.  Mel Trujillo provided legal advice.

Carl Schmid made the motion that Rick Gonzales, Bill Ritter and Claire Black 
Slotton be accepted as new board members.   Julia Sanchez seconded it.  
Discussion ensued, and the motion carried with one abstention.

Items for January Meeting:

a. Year Round Headquarters
b. Fundraising

Arun Sen adjourned the meeting at 9 p.m. since the library was closing.

Respectfully submitted by
Luba M. Schmid
G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, a member of the board of the Business Link of Woodland and Davis,
Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democratic Club, President 
of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, Secretary-Treasurer 
of the board of the Davis Progressive Business Exchange and communications 
liason of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Chapter 169.

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The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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