[Davis Democrats] No on Prop 90: The Stealth Assault on our Environment-from Gen. Wes Clark

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Fri Nov 3 13:27:58 PST 2006

------ Forwarded Message
From: Wes Clark <info at securingamerica.com>

Subject: No on Prop 90: The Stealth Assault on our Environment


  Dear john , 
Click here to learn more about Prop 90

There's a "stealth assault" on the environment going on in California.  And
it comes in the form of Proposition 90 on this November's ballot.

Proposition 90 must be defeated.  Our coastlines, forests, parks, streams,
mountains, and open space -- our entire environment is in jeopardy, thanks
to Prop 90.  So tell your friends & family to vote NO on Proposition 90!

Here's why:

Prop 90 is an insidious measure disguised as eminent domain reform.  But
don't be misled, Prop 90 is a radical plan that goes well beyond the simple
reforms California needs and would cost taxpayers billions of dollars each

Prop. 90 would require billions of dollars in new payouts any time a law or
regulation is passed to protect our neighborhoods, control development,
protect air and water quality, or restrict undesirable businesses -- all the
things that make our communities better places to live.  That's because the
measure contains a hidden provision that allows virtually anyone to sue
claiming a new law or regulation has impacted the value of their property or
business -- no matter how far-fetched the claim.  Taxpayers pay, or
communities lose when governments are left with no choice but to allow the
destructive action.

Fortunately, a diverse coalition -- the broadest political coalition that
has ever been formed in California -- has united to oppose Prop 90.
Business, labor, homeowners, education, consumer and environmental
organizations as well as political leaders from across the political
spectrum (including Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein and Governor
Arnold Schwarzenegger) are all working together to defeat this dangerous
initiative.  And I'm proud to join them.

To learn more, please visit www.noProp90.com
<http://ga4.org/ct/5p1x86K12RuC/noonprop90> and read about this dangerous
initiative.  Or read a recent AP article featuring Robert Redford
<http://ga4.org/ct/571x86K12RuV/redford_article> , an outspoken critic of
Prop 90.

But most importantly, please remember to get out and vote NO on Prop 90 next
Tuesday -- and urge all your friends and family to do the same.

Thanks for helping us defeat Prop 90, a hidden taxpayer trap on this year's


Wes Clark
P.S.  With so many issues on the ballot this year, many people will walk
into their polling place without knowing how they're going to vote on every
ballot measure.  Your personal recommendation will make a difference.
Please forward this email to every California voter you know!


Learn the truth about Prop 90 today!


  Tell your friends and family about WesPAC -- Securing America's Future!

  If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for WesPAC
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 Paid for by WesPAC -- Securing America's Future.
Contributions and gifts made to WesPAC are not
tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.


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