[Davis Democrats] Conference Call 5:20PM (EST) about shutting down the revolving door of K Street money and elected representatives-vs. Rick Santorum

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Thu Jan 19 14:13:33 PST 2006

------ Forwarded Message
From: Bob Casey <info at bobcaseyforpa.com>
Reply-To: <notice-reply-wwii7bi2o53n3kw at ga4.org>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 21:34:16 GMT
To: John Chendo <jac07 at dcn.org>
Subject: Reminder: Conference Call 5:20PM (EST)

   Dear John, 

I just wanted to remind you to tune in to our ethics conference call, just 1
hour away, at 5:20PM (EST). Let's discuss what's really going on in

When: Today
Time: 5:20pm
Call in number: (800) 967-7135
Confirmation Code: 9345523

If you haven't signed our petition asking Rick Santorum to shut down the K
Street Project, please do so now and forward it to your friends.

Sign the petition <http://ga4.org/ct/6dSoS8M1VRtl/>

Thousands of you have already signed the petition and I can assure you that
your voice is being heard. Join me at 5:20PM tonight and let's hold
accountable those responsible for the ethics mess in Congress.

Talk to you soon,

Bob Casey

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 Paid for by the Bob Casey for Pennsylvania Committee
 www.BobCaseyforPA.com <http://www.BobCaseyforPA.com>


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